Chapter 12 (Edited)

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My phone rang, interrupting my train of thoughts. As I pulled it out of my pocket, my heartbeat increased. Oh god, I hope it's not Dad.

The name displayed on the screen is Eleanor, which caused me to sigh a relief. At least it's not Dad.


"Zaira! Thank goodness you answered!" Eleanor's voice sounded scared and worried, which had me stand up.

"What? Is something wrong?" Just thinking of what she will say makes me panic. I hope it's just about school, and nothing else.

"Calum was found dead at his room! Ashton saw it when they got home." She screamed, making me flinch a bit.

"I know. I know. He told us, too." I hope Calum is fine now. I hope he is in the same condition with Harry, better and alive as if nothing bad had happened. I hope he wakes up soon.

"What happened to Harry?" El asked, changing the topic to lighten up the mood, but it just made it worse.

I bit my lip while thinking of a way to answer her question. I don't want to tell her that Harry became a vampire. She will surely freak out.

"Zaira? Who are you talking to?" Louis shouted from the other room. He and the lads were talking about what to do to hide Harry's vampire condition from the public.

"Is that Louis?" El asks as Louis's voice was heard on the other line.

"Yeah. Wanna talk to him?" I ask teasingly. They haven't been together for like two days, and they already miss each other.

I had to change the topic. I can't tell her about Harry yet.

"Yes!" She screams excitedly.

"Louis! Come here!" I shout, which made Louis come running inside.


I handed my phone to him, his face had confusion written on it. Seconds later, he realized why I smirked. He happily grabbed my phone and started chatting happily with Eleanor.

Well, that was a good distraction.

I head to the other room, where the boys held a serious meeting. Paul left the apartment since he had to do some business with the management. Right before I could step on the white carpeted floor, Harry came in. He stood behind me, grabbing my waist. "Hello, Zaira."

"Hi." I greet back. I felt so giddy and awkward, I had to grip onto the hem of my shirt to refrain from grabbing him and let him kiss me.

"Oh hey guys." Liam says as soon as he saw the two of us standing in the doorway. Harry wrapped his arms around me as if we are a couple, making me blush. Is he making a move on me?

But no. That is clearly impossible, for me, to happen. I mean, I'm just an ordinary girl. Maybe popular, but still. I don't have good looks, or maybe I do. Eleanor and Nadine told me that I looked great at skirts, and when I let my hair flow. Of course, I get so jealous when girls get to meet this wonderful guy here. It does drive me to envy whenever he gets a new girlfriend, even if it's just a rumor. I sometimes wish that I'm that girl. The girl he gets to kiss, hug, touch, and talk to whenever he likes.

Harry lets me sit first before taking his seat beside me. Again, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and burying his face into my neck.

"You smell so good, baby." He whispers against my neck, his lips sending shivers to my back.

What is he doing? Gaah, I'm losing my mind.

"Okay. See you later, babe." Louis comes in while my phone is placed near his ear. But soon, he ends the call. "By the way, guys, Eleanor is coming by here. How can we hide his condition?"

Panic was written on everyone's faces, including me and Harry. He stopped kissing my neck, as fear crept into him.

"We could tell her that Harry is sick. I guess. He looks pale." Zayn suggests while shrugging his shoulders. " I don't know. I'm not good at this. Liam, you are."

"No, no. I think that will probably work. Right, Louis?" Liam turns to Louis.

"I guess so. I did prank Eleanor once. I acted like I really have a fever, that's why we didn't get to go out to shopping. You know, I really am not in the mood for shopping that day. And she believed it."

"So, okay then. Harry, can you act like you are sick?" Niall asks Harry. Harry leans his head on my shoulder, then grips on my arms. He felt icy cold, it kind of hurts on my skin. His eyes closed for three seconds while he sneezed.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Louis asks, his face turning into a worried expression.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." Harry sneezed once again, this time louder. We all flinched at the sound.

"I'm just acting, guys. Looked like I made you believe." He chuckled.

We laughed. "Bravo! Excellent work, Harry."

"Thank you." He smiled and turned to me. I had to look away to prevent myself from smiling, but I couldn't help myself blushing.

"But what about the fans and the media?" I ask.

The boys bit their lips as they searched for an answer. Of course, not only me and the lads of One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer can see Harry, the whole world can see him, too. He is famous worldwide, and there's no way he can run away from the fans and paparazzi.

"Same plan with Eleanor?" Niall asks.

Liam shook his head. "No. There are fans who are really smart. They might be suspicious about his behaviors and appearance."

"And if the fan really has a proof that she saw Harry as a vampire, she might reveal it to the media. Maybe sell his/her pictures to the paparazzi."

"Now that sounds like a hater, Louis." Niall reacted.

I sighed. "Well, let's try it."

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