He helped Defne up off the floor and held her close. For the chatterbox of a woman that Yalin was used to her being, Defne was as silent as a mouse, which was never a good sign. But not surprisingly, this only lasted for a moment. Once Toprak got back up from the floor, and Defne made sure he was alright, that quiet tongue of hers untied. Toprak heard an onslaught of words that made Yalin's eyes grow wide. Boy, did she let her words fly!

Yalin's brows narrowed as he considered what was happening. A brother was a brother, that was for sure. But Defne was a grown woman who made her own choices. She would never deny that Toprak had helped to raise her, but he had also taught her to be a responsible and sensible woman. When Yalin and Toprak both raised their eyebrows at her in question, she nodded. OK, fine. Maybe she had her moments of losing her temper, but still... There would have to come a point in her life when she would finally be allowed to do what she wanted to do, be who she wanted to be, and be with whoever she chose to be with.

Toprak attempted to speak. He tried but Defne stopped him. She was not done talking. And, no, she would not let him speak before she was finished. She continued to talk for a good long while. To end her argument and victorious monologue, she pointed to Leyla. She told Toprak there was no way she would stand still and allow him to steer her life and chance at happiness and love if he was too blind to see that he was failing at this himself. More importantly, he was failing to see how much Leyla still loved him and still carried a torch for him.

Toprak told her to stop talking but she would not. He repeated his request and still Defne did not listen to him. Then Leyla spoke up in unison with Toprak but Defne barged on. To get her attention, Toprak, Leyla, and Yalin all yelled out her name. She finally paused, looked at Yalin, and asked why he was yelling at her. He took her hand in his, and replied, "Defne, take a breath."

With eyes that were confused and still filled with anger, Defne raised her free hand in a sign of attempted truce. In a very calm and quiet voice, she told Toprak that she was not giving up on love. Love never ended if one believed it did not. Toprak wanted to shout but there was no room left at this point for that kind of a reaction with Defne. He looked at Yalin and asked him how many times had they denied their feelings? To him? To themselves? To each other? So, what made them so sure that love was love, and that they would make it all the way to the end? Defne looked at Leyla and saw tears in her eyes. There was so much love left for Toprak in those teary eyes but he failed to see it. Or was he afraid to see it?

Defne walked up to her big brother, stood close to him, looked him right in the eyes and asked him what he was most afraid to admit? That HE had failed at love? Or that HE was too afraid to admit he wanted to try harder to love again? When she asked him these questions, Toprak's anger suddenly dissipated into thin air. He was furious with Yalin and angry at Defne, but was not ready for the punch in the gut Defne just gave him.

As Toprak looked into her eyes, he saw their mother in them. Defne did not remember their mother but he did. Oh, yes, he did and realized how much he missed her stern words and kind heart. Defne had grown up standing up for herself with the strength carried through blood from their father, but she had inherited something much more important from their mother. She had inherited her kindness and her loving heart, and the way she could end an argument with a few simple words that always turned the argument right back on the person who had started it.

Instead of yelling, instead of fighting the battle he knew he had lost, Toprak stood up straight, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly he felt his sister's delicate hand on his shoulder. He tried to figure out if she put it there to stop him or to support him? And that struck another nerve, right down to his core. He was the oldest sibling and had always carried on his shoulders the burden of protecting the family. But now? Who protected who? Who supported who?

He opened his eyes and looked at Defne and realized she was not scared at all. She stood by his side but kept looking at Yalin. Toprak finally figured out that although she was his sister, one of the four siblings, the time had come for her to look for her own way in life. make her own way in life. He also understood two very important things. One, if he accepted Yalin as Defne's husband, he would most definitely be able to keep a closer look at the way Yalin treated his little sister. And two, he admitted to himself once and for all that he needed Leyla back in his life and in his heart.

Yalin noticed the change in Toprak's eyes and physical posture. Whatever Defne said to Toprak had hit his heart and his pride on the same level and at the same time. Yalin just hoped it was enough to stop Toprak from keeping Defne away from him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Defne walk toward him. Toprak followed her with his gaze but did not stop her. Even after Defne put her arms around Yalin right in front of everyone, Toprak remained silent.

Everyone looked at Toprak with puzzlement, waiting for his next move. Toprak looked at Leyla then over at Defne and Yalin. What he said next shocked everyone in the room. He declared they were all going home to pack up Defne's things. She was going to move in with Yalin... but NOT before they organized a proper wedding reception!


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Inadina Ask". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Joanna Kurczak; @JoannaKurczak on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International

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