Chapter Two

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I woke up surprisingly early this morning, I walked downstairs in my shorts and larger oversized t shirt with my hair in a messy bun and sat at the counter, "Morning beautiful" my mum smiles, missing my temple "morning, where's dad?" I smile back "Oh he left for work early" she informs, she hands me a bowl of porridge with strawberries and a small amount of sugar on the top as they like me to have a healthy lifestyle, in all fairness, I'd be more than happy with a jar of Nutella and pizza, but no, fruit this fruit that in my house "Erm, is it ok if I invite Zoe round?" I ask after swallowing a spoonful of my breakfast, "Of course! I like that girl, she's a nice one" she laughs "Thanks, oh and I have work at 5pm tonight and I'm not sure what time I'll be back, so don't wait up" I tell her and she nods in understanding.

****skip day****

I was getting ready for work, I wore knee hight socks with a black skater skirt and a washed out pink jumper and white pumps. I curled my blonde hair and pinned back my fringe so it wouldn't be in my face all night.

I've been at work for about half an hour now and the usual came in, but then my favourite! Sydney and her mum "Ella" she sings and hugs me "Hey" I giggle, I stand back behind the bar "What can I get you?" I ask Teresa, "Erm, can I have a Carling" she smiles, I pour her dink and put it on a place mat "Can I have a J2o" Sydney smiles "Blackcurrant?" I smile back "Yes please"
I hand her the drink and look to see a boy with tattoos and a stretcher, "What can I get you?" I smile shyly "Carling please" he smiles adding a wink, I hand him the drink and they thank me "Do you want a tab or pay now?" I ask politely "Pay now please hun" Teresa says in a calming tone, "£10.97 please" I smile at her.
The night went on and I could feel eyes on me as I stood and coloured with Sydney "That's my brother, Jake! He can sing" Sydney informs me, smiling afterwards, I look over my shoulder and smile.
Before I knew it, it was 2am and Sydney was still there with her mum and brother, I say goodbye and Jake gives me a wink again.

I arrive home and see my mum still awake, "mum! I told you not to wait up"
"I can never sleep"
"I'm not a baby anymore"

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