Chapter 49 ✔️

Start from the beginning

I still don't feel comfortable with this whole thing. I haven't even known Emily that long and she's already talking about spending thousands of dollars on me. Heck I wasn't even nice to her the first month we met and look at us now. This is really too good to be true. I have to be careful with things that come to me too easily. Look what happened between Tyler and I.

" Em, it's too much. I can't ask that of you." I sigh as I flop myself down onto the bed, facing the ceiling.

Emily too lays back and looks at the ceiling with me. I can hear the wheels spinning in her head. I know for a fact that she isn't done with this discussion.

" Ally you're my best friend. When I first met you I didn't really have what you call 'close friends'. Sure there was Samantha and Trish but they were always together and most of the time I felt like a third wheel. Jackson and Zac were always busy with football so it was difficult for us to catch up. You and I both know Gabby doesn't even need to be discussed. I was alone. Then you came with your stone cold heart and tough act and you completely changed the way I saw the world. I wanted to be more like you. Have no feelings so that I don't get hurt. That all changed when I heard about your sister's death and I realized that the hard exterior you put on was just your defence magnesium. I understood why you were acting the way you were and I wanted to be the one you could rely on. I wanted to be there for you through the dark times and the happy times. I would never want to replace your sister but I want you to know that I am there for you. " Emily speaks up.

" You don't deserve to be this miserable Ally. You need to be in college so that you can build your future away from this toxic place. You need to be surrounded by people who encourage you and who want to help you. Ally I want to help you. Let me help you. " She continues.

I didn't know Emily wanted to be like me. Why would anyone want to be me? Emily and I were polar opposites back then. She was the bright and colorful soul who brought light into everyone's life and I was the girl who brought a dark cloud over other's sunshine. I wasn't really the friend-material kind of girl. Still Emily never lost hope in me and she helped bring out the real me. She was always there for me and I know she will always be there for me in the future. Our friendship grew a lot after her wisdom teeth were removed. I don't even want to think back to that day.

" Fine. I'll consider your offer." I sigh finally giving in to her pleads.

" No. I need an answer right now." she demands.

Damn when did this girl get so demanding?

" It's a big decision Em." I whine.

How can she possibly expect me to make a decision this fast that could most likely change my whole future when I can't even decide what I want for dinner.

It's madness I tell you. Madness.

" Time's ticking." she says pointing towards her non-existent watch.

"3." she begins to count down.


" Two."


" One-"

" Fine! I'll move in with you guys." I sigh before her countdown can stop. Gotta give her points for dramatic effects.

Maybe this won't be such a bad thing. I'll start paying my part of the rent as soon as I'm on my own feet and then I'll start paying Emily back for the tuition.

" I'm so happy!" Emily shrieks in excitement while clapping her hands.

She jumps up from my bed and opens up my wardrobe. She starts pulling out varieties of clothes and throwing them onto the bed.

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