Neville Longbottom

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-I think Neville is a vegetarian. I don't know why. It just feels rights. Maybe it's because he loves plants so much that he wants to eat nothing but plants?
-in a modern high school neville would sit in the back of the class to avoid attention being brought to him.
-sweaters over button ups. It all i draw him wearing. I think he wears sweaters over button ups and you can't change my mind.
-I think he would smell plants in amortentia rather than a person. At that point he's not close with Luna (and I don't ship Nuna✋🥲) so he wouldn't smell her (I imagine she smells like butterbeer and marshmallows *and maybe a little bit of lavender?*)
-i think he either really loves the smell of lavender or despises it. No in between.
-he talks to his plants
-he paints his nails, realizes he'll get made fun of by draco, and takes it off. It's a reoccurring cycle because he just really likes it.
-he brings his parents flowers when he visits.
-light academia
-his room at augusta's house is covered in plants. Floor to ceiling, the walls are all plant.
-when he become a professor, the hufflepuffs love him.
-he got Luna to give him a small tattoo of a plant on his wrist.
-he names his plants.

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