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"sitting here with nothing to say, looking out the window it just rained, but the sun's up for the day"

"ethan... ethan?" i feel someone nudge me.

"oh hey, sorry benny," i take out one of my headphones.

"were you even listening to my plan?" benny frustratingly says as we walk to school.

"um, sure?" i'm quite unsure of what he's even talking about.

"ugh, no you weren't," he rages.

"whatever, just explain it again."

"the way i'm gonna ask erica out is by stealing her bag and return it to her acting like i found it somewhere"

"uh... that sounds fucking dumb. how do you know she will say yes?" oh typical benny, what a dork

"she already likes my blood so she pretty much likes me," he says while looking at me. i stare at him with a confused look on my face. damn, his eyes really are piercing through me.

"look, just do whatever you want i don't know how to help," i say quickly taking my eyes off of him.

"well... when are you gonna ask out sarah?"

"probably never."

"wait wait really? i thought you were into her."

"here's the thing," i stop walking. "i know she's not into me and..."

"and what?"

"i think i lost feelings for her."

"is there a new girl?" is there? i don't think it's a girl, but do i like him?

"n-no... not as of now."

" well hope you find the one soon so that you can catch up with me while i'm with erica."

"hmph... weirdo."


"so.... how did it go?" i ask benny while we're both walking home.

"i-... hm...," he thinks to himself.

"she said no?" i put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"no, i just haven't asked her."

"oh.... what happened."

"i don't know, i guess i just chickened out."

"you can do this, i believe in you."

"ethan... i honestly should just give up." he says to me. i stop both of us.

"benny, any one who would say no to you would be crazy," i rub his shoulder. "you got this."

"t-thanks ethan," he pulls me into a hug that startles me but i soon ease into it. i feel a certain way about it but i just can't pin what it is.


"i get so high cause you're not here smoking my weed, and i get so bored cause you're not here to make me laugh"

ding! i hear benny spamming my phone with texts.


benny: yo

benny: ethan

benny: hello

benny: ?

benny: ? 

benny: are

benny: you

benny: there

benny: ?

ethan: what

ethan: the

ethan: FUCK

ethan: -_-

benny: whoa don't get pissy with me

ethan: damn sorry i guess

ethan: what happened

benny: look what i got!!!

he sent a picture of a game next to his face with an adorable smile

ethan: WTF

ethan: how did you

ethan: how

ethan: i thought it was launching tmrw

benny: well it was in stock at Target

benny: sooooo

benny: i bought it

benny: play it at yours tmrw?

ethan: hell yeah!!!

i thought to myself, "where am i gonna find a girlfriend?" benny just reminded me of how lonely i was. well, relationship wise.


ethan: hey

ethan: benny

benny: yes?

ethan: what are some good dating websites?

benny: idk, spaceroom?

ethan: k thanks bye

benny: lol have fun

i search up "spaceroom" and find the website i'm looking for. "search for a friend or more in the SPACEROOM." guess that's what i'm looking for, right? "create account, make your username." hm, what's a good user. "magicboyethan," good enough i guess. "age: 17, sign: virgo, interests: video games, comics. sexual orientation:" what should i put as of now? "sexual orientation: bi-curious." after making my account, i set up my profile picture to a photo of me and make sure it's good. in a few minutes, i get a notification.

new message (1) from devilindisguise

devilindisguise: hey :)

magicboyethan: um 

magicboyethan: hi

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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