Chapter 1- The Forest Cart

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The setting begins of with a whole beauty of the forest. Two creatures are walking to the forest called smurfs. One was named papa smurf and one named smurfette. They are such a father-daughter bond.

"Papa..." smurfette said "... idk what or when that we will be out of here.".

"We must need to find out." Papa said.

While on their journey, a strange monsterus beast has come to hide and tries to get their dinner. They're dinner are the two smurfs. They're numbers are 60

"Papa, i Hear sonething." Smurfette said in a little fear.

"Whatever it is, get behide me." Papa said.

Smurfette do what papa said. They keep on walking trying to ignoring the growl.

And then, they stop and they look around to know where is the noise coming from. The bush begin to shake. Papa got his fire power ready to attack. The shadowy figure realse itself from the bush. It was a ghom. A giant bug beast like is trying to hunt all passengers' souls.

Smurfette got scared, papa smurf rushes of to attack with his fire powers. The ghom dodges it. Papa tries one of his fire balls to attack, but the ghom was too big to handle. Papa tries of fire spikes but the ghom knocks out the fire spikes. The ghom begin to tackled papa smurf to the ground.

"Papa!" Smurfette cries in fear.

Papa begin to panic in fear. Smurfette begin to fear and didn't know what to do. She van't bare to watch. As the ghom was begin to suck a soul to papa. Suddenly, the ghom started to get electrified out of nowhere.

The ghom was defeated.

Papa smurf took a deep breath tp calm down from the ghom.

Smurfette pull papa up.

"Papa, are you ok?" Smurfette asked in worried.

"Yeah. I am fine smurfette." Papa smurf said "it's a good thing we saved."

He chuckles a little bit.

"I hope you didn't get your soul lose." A voice said out of nowhere.

Smurfette and papa heard the voice and wonder who saves them.

They begin to look around for the voice. They spotted a short woman that holding a staff. The staff was full of eletric.

"Excuse us?" Smurfette said "are you the one who save us?".

"Why yes." She said.

"Well... thank you so much for saving us." Smurfette said "thanks... uhh... whoever you are."

"Oh." The woman said "the name's peachfuzz."

Smurfette spotted peachfuzz's hand, her number in her hand said "359".

"Say, you have a highest number." Smurfette said.

"Oh this?" Peachfuzz said when they notice her hand "i see that i got use to it.".

"Well... peachfuzz." Smurfette said "how do you got into the train in the first place?".

"Oh..." peachfuzz said "it's just... it's a long story.".

"Well, maybe if you can help us get home, maybe we can all figure it out together." Papa said.

Peachfuzz begin to think that papa snurf might be right. She just wanted to fnd her way out.

"That would be helpfull." She said "and maybe you can help me getting my electric powers back.".

"Isn't that the one in your staff?" Smurfette asked.

"Yes." Peachfuzz said in a serious tone "My powers are gone on me and now they got into this staff. As you two look helpful, it will be a pleasure.".

"Great!" Smurfette said "come on!"

As they get along through the cart, they go to the red door to escape and walk to the metal bridge and headed to the next cart.

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