Misunderstanding [12]

Start from the beginning

"The walkie talkies! I nearly forgot about those! Thanks mom, I'm gonna talk to him right now and let him know I'll probably be okay by Monday.", you remarked with a smile upon your face as you got out of bed and went over to your bookshelf, grabbing the walkie-talkie off of the top shelf. Glad to see you were still your usual self, your mother smiled to herself as she fluffed your pillows before beginning to exit the room, "Alright dear, don't strain yourself too much and make sure to take your medicine, okay? I'm going to run some errands, I'll even bring back the ingredients we need to make your favorite dinner tonight.".

You gave your mother a smile before climbing back into bed, "Thanks, mom. Be safe, I'll see you when you come back, love ya!", you called out before pulling the covers over your head, your mother laughing as she shut your door behind her, "Love you too, Y/N.". Once you heard your door shut, you began to examine the buttons upon the device, seeing there were three buttons for you to choose from, two of them marked 1 and 2 respectively, and the third button clearly marked for group communication. "Uhh, which one was the button I press to talk to Sal? One or two...?", thinking briefly, you shrugged and pressed the button marked 1, beginning to speak, "Uh, hello...?", you shyly asked.

Hearing nothing at first, you were about to speak up again before static started up, a voice coming through, "Yo, Y/N! You're finally up, how're you feeling dude? Heard you were feeling shitty, was the single hard lemonade you drank last night enough to give you a hangover?", it was Larry's voice who was joking around with you right now. You laughed before responding, "No, Larry, I am in fact not hungover, I've got a cold is all. Wait, how'd you know I don't feel good? Are you and Sal together right now?", you asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Sal's with Ash right now, he told me you didn't feel well over the walkie talkie earlier when he asked me for Ash's landline. He's probably at her place or she's at his. I couldn't hang out today though, gotta keep an eye on my mom. She isn't feeling too good either.", Larry explained to you. "Oh no.", a bitter taste began to form within your mouth, not to mention that sudden pit you felt in your stomach, "Okay Y/N, don't jump to conclusions. You're fine, everything's fine. They're your good friends, they can hang out without you if they want, nothing to worry about...right? There's no need to feel...jealous?", you anxiously thought to yourself before Larry spoke up again, wondering what was holding you up, "Y/N? Still there?", he asked.

Realizing you hadn't responded to him, you quickly composed yourself before resuming the conversation, "O-oh, yeah, sorry. Just had to blow my nose, heh. Sorry about your mom, Larry, tell her I hope she feels better! I'll leave you to it then, I have to go scrub the sick off myself in the shower now, see you Monday morning after I get over this cold?", you asked in a kind tone, Larry responding with a, "For sure, take care Y/N. See ya Monday little lady.", and with that the two of you said your goodbyes and the static cut off, leaving you in silence within your room.

Slowly, you let out a small sigh, both of your hands placed upon your face as you attempted to calm your nerves, "Sal and Ash are hanging out together, that's...totally fine? There's no reason for me to freak out, they're friends! My friends! Friends...besides the fact that Sal used to have a crush on her...okay, Y/N, stop overthinking it. You sound like a psycho.", you said as you pulled off the layers of blankets upon your body, placing your feet on the ground.

After standing up, you grabbed some clean clothes from your closet before heading over to the bathroom, desperately in need of a hot shower to soothe your cold, and to clear your head of any unnecessary toxic jealous feelings. The usually bleak bathroom felt cozier than ever as the mirrors became clouded with steam, your head tilted upwards facing the shower head, allowing the warm water droplets to hit your face and drench your hair.

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