Chapter 1: Kicked Out

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Izuku just silently nodded and followed Katsuki with his head down. He started to zone out as they walked. What if Auntie thinks I'm weak too? Will she kick me out just like Mom did? Will she make me go home to Mom or will she help me?

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts as he bumped into something. He looked up to see Katsuki looking at him over his shoulder, "We're here dumbass. Watch where you're going next time."

Izuku just nodded and followed Katsuki into the Bakugou household. "Hag! Old man! Meet in the lounge room, we have a guest!" Izuku heard the television's volume get lower, followed by Mitsuki screaming. "Katsuki! Don't call me a hag! Who'd you bring here anyway?" Katsuki rolled his eyes as Izuku smiled slightly. Katsuki turned to Izuku, "Take your shoes off and come into the lounge room. You're explaining why you were on the streets to the hag and old man."

Izuku put his bag and backpack on the floor next to his shoes and put on a pair of slippers Katsuki grabbed from the closet before shuffling into the lounge room behind Katsuki. Mitsuki and Masaru looked up hearing footsteps. Looks of surprise flashed over their faces when they saw Izuku standing behind their son.

"Izuku! I haven't seen you in so long! How are you? How's Inko? Katsuki hasn't been rude to you, has he? Is that why you haven't been over for so long? I kept telling him to invite you and Inko to dinner. That brat never listens to me-" "I-I'm fine Auntie! Kacchan h-hasn't been rude to me at all. Mom and I h-have just been busy, I-I-I-I promise!"

Mitsuki shook her head as she sat beside her husband, "Where's Inko? Why are you here by yourself? I thought she had today off?" Izuku flinched slightly at the mention of his mother's name. Before he could answer, Katsuki spoke, "That's the reason I brought him here. He says she kicked him out. I don't know the details, I just knew you would get mad if I let him on the streets."

Masaru looked at Izuku concerned as Mitsuki gasped, "Inko kicked you out? Why would she do that? She always said she loved you, no matter how hard things were." As his wife wrapped her head around the situation Masaru looked at the teenagers, "Izuku, please, sit down and make yourself at home. Katsuki, would you mind getting us some drinks?"

Katsuki scoffed but left to get drinks anyway as Izuku sat down. Mitsuki looked at Izuku, "Why did she kick you out? You're so sweet and polite, you don't deserve that." Izuku starts picking at the skin around his nails, Katsuki noticing as he sets the drinks down.

Katsuki sat next to Izuku on the couch, their knees slightly touching, a sign of comfort for Izuku. "Don't worry," Masaru said, noticing the interaction, "We won't judge you. I promise."

Izuku took a deep breath and explained everything that had happened to the Bakugou family. When he was done talking he was curled up on the couch with some tears running down his cheeks. Mitsuki had her hands over her mouth and looked as if she was holding in tears, Masaru was comforting his wife and looking lost.

Katsuki just sat there stunned, this happened over a month ago and he never knew. That's what you get for bullying him, he thought, he doesn't trust you anymore. He sat with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together, staring at the floor.

Katsuki looked up when he felt something hit his shoulder. He saw Izuku's head on his shoulder, his body leaned to the side. He hesitated before slowly and carefully wrapping his arms around Izuku.

Izuku looked at Katsuki surprised. Katsuki pushed Izuku's head down and hid his chin in the green, fluffy hair. He didn't want the younger boy to see his face, he had tears in his eyes and didn't want to cry in front of others. Izuku was confused but hugged Katsuki back anyway.

He looked up when he heard Mitsuki and Masaru clear their throats. "I think we should all get some sleep, so we can process this... information. We can figure out how to handle this tomorrow," Masaru said, getting up from his spot on the couch.

Izuku and Katsuki nodded as they got up off the couch. Mitsuki gave each of the boys a hug and wished them a good night before she left for her room, Masaru in tow. Izuku put his head down and started picking at the skin next to his nail, "I'm- uh, I-I-I'm sorry for uh- inconveniencing you guys. I can h-handle this on my own, really-"

Izuku was cut off by a hug, Katsuki burying his face in Izuku's hair. Izuku hesitantly hugged back, confused. Feeling a slight shake from the older boy, Izuku backed up a little. He slowly raised his hands to Katsuki's face and pulled his face so they locked eyes.

"Kacchan, why are you crying?" Izuku asked, wiping the tears with his thumbs. Katsuki pulled Izuku back into the hug, not wanting his face to be seen while he was so vulnerable. "I should have noticed..." He whispered, voice becoming so quiet it was hard to hear. "You became so quiet, you didn't try to participate in class. You stopped fighting back, you did so many things that were signs."

Izuku buried his head in Katsuki's shoulder. "It's not your fault Kacchan, you didn't know because I didn't want you to know. I didn't want anyone to know. So please, don't blame yourself." Katsuki nodded and stood still for a second before straightening himself out.

He wiped his face with his hands and stood up straight. "We should go to bed. I don't think we have a futon so I can sleep on my floor and you can have the bed." Izuku followed Katsuki upstairs, constantly telling him that he didn't have to sleep on the floor. Katsuki didn't listen and got the floor ready to be slept on. He helped Izuku put some of his clothes in the closet before they got in bed.

"Goodnight, Kacchan." "Good night, Deku."

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