We used a spell to hide our bloodshot eyes and red faces before making our merry way to the Great Hall.

When we arrived I picked the Marauders out in the crowd almost immediately. They were sticking out like a sore thumb. Sirius had a headband with two big golden J and P, Remus was holding a happy birthday flag and Peter had a red and gold box.

"Hi, guys! We were looking for you! Sirius said he saw you coming from the greenhouses a while ago." Peter said, a smile coming up on his face.

"Oh, I had to go to my dorm really quick." Rob smoothly lied and Peter ate it up. His charming smile always made people smitten enough to not care whether he had been lying or not.

Soon the double doors opened again, this time to let a certain boy in. The other 3 hid under the table while I waved my arms to show him where we were.

"Good morning!" James said, a cheerful tone to his voice. It made me happy to hear.

"Good morning, James. Happy birthday!" I said, hugging him. He hugged back.

"Thank you, Lucy Poo." He stated. We let go and he looked around. "Where are the others?" He asked, a confused expression on his face.

"We haven't seen them yet. Also, happy birthday, James." Rob answered, giving him a nod. James thanked him.

Suddenly Sirius' headband could be seen emerging from under the table.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Prongs! Happy birthday to you!" Remus started singing. Sirius and Peter joined in. Me and Rob last. By now, everyone in the Great Hall was staring.

James blew out his candles and closed his eyes tightly, wishing something. He then opened them and looked around at our smiling faces. People around the room turned back to their food, now gossiping about what had just happened.

"You lot are idiots." He said, wiping his eyes while laughing. The boys gave him their present and told him to look towards the Slytherin table.

He did as told and soon it started. First, they either grew or shortened. Next came the hair and eyes. Shortly after, the entirety of the Slytherin table was turned into James. They were gaping at each other with their jaws dropped, before focusing on the Marauders.

Before any sort of drama could happen, Dumbledore started to clap his hands. We all looked towards the man many believed to be crazy and he was lightly chuckling.

"I suppose we can all wish Mr. Potter a happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts. Now, I believe that the Slytherin house will be back to normal tomorrow, so please calm down." He affirmed. His tone, whilst having a playful overtone, had a threatening undertone. It was as if he was reminding the boys of what would happen.

The rest of the dinner was somewhat calm. Some Slytherins were still fuming and seemed like they were going to hex us at any given moment, but ultimately forgot their anger in favour of the dinner food.

As soon as they finished, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Rob took off, saying they "had to help Rob's sister in law with something." So this left me and James, all alone in our spot, with only a platter of fruit between us.

"Well that was weird. I didn't know Rob had a sister in law." James said, a perplexed look adorning his face.

"She's Marc Rousseaux's sister. Annabelle Rousseaux? Ring a bell?" I questioned, but he shook his head no.

We finished eating and I got up, telling James to come with me. He agreed and we both got out of the Great Hall, my heart thundering in my chest.

As we strolled through the hallways we kept a pleasant conversation about broom polish. I didn't understand much about the thing, but James still had the patience to answer all of my questions to the best of his abilities.

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