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Spencer noticed how thin and exhausted you were getting. Out in the field, you weren't your athletic self anymore. You had stopped going on walks with the girls and challenging Derek to a race. Not to mention, you had been skipping meals more and more often. You passed on lunches Spencer had offered to take you on.

You just couldn't eat anymore. You didn't have an appetite anymore and you really didn't see a reason as to why you should eat. Why not? Every time you looked in the mirror, your eyes always lingered the longest on your stomach. You would grab the fat and immediately start hating yourself. Baggy clothing became your next best option.

Spencer was just so perfect with his toned chest and if you ate one thing it would add to your fat immediately. You stopped wearing crop tops and tank tops because of this. If he was skinnier, why shouldn't you be? You weren't blaming this on Spencer of course, you blamed yourself. How could you let yourself look like this?

After you and your team wrapped up the most recent case, you drove straight to your apartment to avoid any conflict with your team. You didn't feel like grabbing a drink with your family and you sure as hell didn't want to grab food with Spencer.

Spencer looked everywhere around the bullpen for you and noticed you weren't there. He walked into Garcia's den and saw all the girls in there chatting. You weren't there either.

"Have any of you seen y/n?" His voice was laced with concern and they sensed something was off.

"No we haven't seen her after the case, is everything alright Spence?" JJ asked.

"I-" He didn't want to tell them what he suspected, although since they were your best friends they should've caught it by now, but he kept his mouth shut. It wasn't his story to tell.

"Just, let me know if you see her."

He quickly left the office and the girls turned back to continue their chatter.

"Speaking of, how should we approach her?" Garcia whispered.

"I don't think we should pressure her. She'll come to us when she's ready. I don't want her to feel like we've backed her into a corner she can't get out of." Emily whispered back. They all silently nodded.

Spencer drove to the first place he thought you could've gone. He walked up to your apartment door and froze. He didn't know what to expect on the other side. He held his fist a few centimeters above the wood door for a minute before knocking three times. He impatiently rocked back and forth on his heels waiting, hoping, for you to answer.

You looked through the peephole before slowly opening the door. When Spencer saw you his face lit up. He was surprised yet thankful you answered. He watched your small figure and noticed you leaned against the door and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Hey, I was just stopping by to see if you wanted to grab something to eat. We could uhm-go to your favorite-"

"I'm not hungry." You flatly replied. He saw right through your lie and even noticed your hand grip your stomach for a few seconds then slightly relax.

You tried to close the door in his face when his foot caught it. You groaned as he pushed the door back open, brushing past you and into your apartment. He ignored the lack of cleanliness and stepped into your living room.

"We'll make something then."

He began rummaging through your kitchen cabinets and fridge to look for something simple and easy to make. You turned around and started to bite your fingernails. Nervous habit.

"Spencer can you please just leave? I already told you I'm not hungry." That was completely a lie. Although feeling numb, you knew you hadn't eaten something in the last 2 days.

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