|| nico robin ||

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Hello! I do not own any of the characters of One Piece, they are all created by Eiichiro Oda. The plot of this story was originally created by me.

The sound of the school bell rang through the whole school, startling everybody. Each student jumped out of their seat with delight and ran out of the tiny, crowded classroom as quickly as they could. This was it; the last day of sophomore year. 

My first year at Grand Line High had been a delightful year for me. My last school hadn't been the right place for me to learn, and I hadn't made too many friends. Here, I met my closest friends; The Straw Hats, as they called themselves.

I sighed with relief, knowing this was the last day I had to worry about grades or sleeping in on accident for a while. Quickly, I got out of my seat and headed towards the exit of the school. Suddenly, I felt someone put one arm around me. They had placed a tender, cold kiss on my right cheek. I looked beside me to see a man with black, messy hair with gold earrings; Trafalgar Law.

"Well hello there, Law," I giggled. "What a delight to see you."

"Good afternoon, beautiful," Law said. "How was your last day of Sophomore year?"

With a sigh, I said, "Good."

Law tucked a strand of my raven hair behind my ear and turned me to face him as we stopped in the middle of the hall as he took his arm off of me. Most of the students had already exited the building, and it felt pretty empty and quiet. 

Law's yellow eyes stared deep into mine. His eyes even sparkled a bit, which sent a bunch of little butterflies soaring around in my stomach. Law placed a tender kiss on my lips as he lifts my chin with his cold hand. "I'm glad to hear that, beautiful," Law said, "Well, I have to go work now. Have a great rest of your day, gorgeous." He pecked my lips once again then ran out of the school building.

"That was cute." I knew who said that just by the scent of the tangerine scented perfume. Nami had come to stand next to me with her short orange hair resting on her shoulders. "You two have gotten close," Nami pointed out. "Sometimes I wonder if you two are soulmates, haha."

I could feel my cheeks turn crimson. "Maybe," I chuckled. "I'm just excited for what the future holds us."

"That's so like you," Nami said, "Well, anyway, you know how I'm leaving to go to Bellemere's friend's house this summer?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, I do. What about it?"

"Apparently, instead of leaving after summer already started, I'll be leaving today as Bellemere picks me up." Nami sighed and rolled her eyes. "It's ridiculous. I don't even know those people!"

"So... you won't be getting to join Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, and Me at the barbecue on Saturday, correct?" I asked.

"No, I won't be. I might as well say my goodbyes to everybody before Bellemere picks me up." Nami sighed and walked out of the building with me. 

Luffy, a boy with black, messy hair and a scar under his eye waved to us as he put his straw hat on his head. Sanji, the swirly eyebrowed chef had a huge, goofy grin on his face as he called out both Nami's name and mine. 

All of those goofballs had been part of the Straw Hat crew that I've hung out with all this year. They had been the first people to actually speak to me. The ignorant men in the school and given me flirtatious names, such as "sexy lady" and other things that tend to bother me. The women had just stared at me and gave me nasty looks, and didn't bother telling me what had bothered them.

"Robin! Nami!" Luffy yelled, continuing to wave his hand at us. Nami had smiled widely and run towards Luffy. I wasn't close enough to hear what they had been saying to each other, but Nami had thrown her arms around Luffy after speaking to him. There's always been something going on between those two, I could tell. I'm very observant, and they made it kind of obvious they had feelings for each other, but I don't think they realized it. They just needed someone to push them in the right direction.

Unexpected Feelings: A RobinxZoro fanfiction One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now