Code Black

19 3 14

   "Get out of the car." Matthew tugged at his seatbelt and hopped out of the car quickly. He scanned the area and saw no other portals. Fate must have seen Crayola interact with AR!Fresh before.  

   Crayola tossed the door open and hopped out. "What are we supposed to do!?" He has tears welling in his eyes. 

   "I don't know! Let me think!" Matthew pulled at his hair. How did he not sense it? Has Fate really grown that strong that he can't predict any of his movement? 

   "Think faster!" Error muttered getting out of the car. 

   "Error!" Crayola frowned but his hands were still shaking with nerves. 

   "What? We just saw someone get sucked up by a portal and we have no plan and Mr. Lavender scented candle over here is doing nothing!" 

   "My plan won't work! Fate has gone completely off my radar. I can't sense him at all!" Matt turned and kicked the tire. 

   "What are we supposed to do..?" Crayola asked in a pitifully small voice. 

   "I don't know." Matthew rested his forehead on the window of the car. "Just- gimme a sec."

   Error crossed his arms and frowned as he stared at the ground. "What about Ink? Can't you track him?"

   Matthew paused and looked up. He opened a window into the code of the multiverse. "I can. Nice idea bluescreen of death."

   Error blinked and rolled his eyes. "That's because I'm smarter than you sugar plum fairy." 

   "I'm gonna ignore that one," Matt retorted scanning over the code. "Ink is actually not hard to find. I don't know why I didn't think of that before."

   "Becau-" Error doubled over clutching at his shirt. He gasped for breath as he was on his hands and knees now. "Ink-" 

   Crayola squeaked and kneeled down. "Error! What's wrong, what's happening?"

   Matthew swiped around and looked through the code in a more frantic manner. He got a ping. "Aha!" And the window went black. "Oh no. . ."

   "What?" Crayola gripped onto Errors arm and pulled him up with one arm around his own shoulders. He had crashed. The youngest's eyes were wide with fear. "Matthew what's going on?"

   Matthew closed the now blank code as his glasses fogged over. The sky went dark with clouds and thunder seemed to rumble. The sound resonated and echoed off of buildings. There were stars even in broad daylight. People stopped to stare. And then the ground began to rumble. "It's over. The Au's are beginning to collide. The multiverse is falling apart." 


Twisted Twins: A Refresh Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن