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from the way she laughed, to the way she walked, it was common knowledge that second year l/n y/n was the heartthrob of seijoh. an angel of sorts, the entire student body viewed her as perfect. y/n was adored by everyone who had the opportunity to bask in her presence.

the morning was bright and sunny, wispy clouds like cotton candy decorated the cerulean sky. the faint clacking of loafers on pavement could be heard as y/n pranced elegantly through the streets. despite having run from her house to school, her h/c hair framed her face perfectly, not a strand out of place. her beauty nearly rivaled the goddess shimizu kiyoko. nearly.

y/n's hips swayed rhythmically as she strutted towards the entrance of aoba johsai. it had only been a couple of months since she move to miyagi, but she had managed to capture a myriad of hearts since then.

opening her locker with an elegant yet simple flourish, she watched a multitude of love notes and confessions tumble out. she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she went through them. a letter from a certain oikawa tooru caught her attention. she'd been told more than once that oikawa and her would make a great couple. just two pretty people, what more could you want? y/n bitterly tossed the thought aside. there was much more that she wanted and she was sure that oikawa, with his ten million fangirls, wouldn't be able to provide it.

y/n sighed and changed her shoes. she had made it a policy to read every single letter she got, because of the time it took to write them. she wasn't a stranger to writing love letters herself, and pouring your heart and soul into it, just to have the receiver throw it aside was honestly the worst feeling.

"l/n-chan, what are you doing?" asaki ryoichi, one of the people in the school who had not been entranced by y/n's charm, asked. he leaned up against the wall, watching the e/c eyed girl attentively.

"good morning, asaki-san," y/n smiled, looking up from the dozens of letters in her hands. "i was just going through these. i can't believe i received so many, i was only absent for a few days. i think a few of them are 'get well soon' cards, though," she chuckled, there was that angelic laugh that few passerbys had the opportunity to hear, "the people here are so sweet."

y/n used her nails to gently open the first of the envelopes; a love letter from sugiyama hiroshi. a cute poem was written inside, complete with chocolates and a request to meet y/n on the school roof at lunch. y/n continued to open the envelopes, reading letter after letter. she paused on the second last one.

"oh dear," she sighed.

"hm?" asaki looked up from his phone, "what's up?"

"the date, time and location of these confessions overlap, and it's today. this is going to be...unpleasant." she tucked the letters into her school bag before opening the last one. scrunching up her nose in displeasure, she tossed it into her bag more roughly than the others.

"who was it from?" asaki asked, starating his walk to the classroom. it was an unnecessary question, he already knew the answer.

"seijoh's beloved volleyball captain, the lovely oikawa tooru." it wasn't that she had anything personal against oikawa. in fact, y/n admired his tenacity. it was just the comments she'd get whenever she was within a 25 metres radius of him. 'oh, l/n-san and oikawa-san would make such a handsome couple', 'l/n-san and oikawa-senpai look so good together'. it was like people only cared for looks, which wasn't half wrong. the majority of letters y/n had gotten were from people she'd interacted with for less than a couple of seconds.

"are you going?"

"of course, it's not him i dislike. besides, i'm interested in what he'll say," y/n mused. "it's after school. don't wait for me, i'll walk home by myself."

"i'll see you after lunch, asaki-san," y/n called, waving to her friend. he waved back. she watched him walk off for a moment before attending to her matters at the rooftop.

"hello, sugiyama-san." y/n smiled as she opened the door to the roof. to her surprise, sugiyama was the only one there.

"" sugiyama stumbled over his words before taking a massive inhale, "I LIKE YOU, L/N-SENPAI, PLEASE ACCEPT MY FEELINGS," he yelled.

y/n gently placed a hand on her kouhai's shoulder. "sorry, sugiyama-san, i don't reciprocate your feelings. but if you'd like, we can hang out this coming weekend." she smiled. sugiyama excitedly nodded, and the two exchanged numbers to make arrangements. the first year ran off, seeming a little too peppy after being rejected.

"they're only a year younger, but first years always seem so much more chipper," y/n sighed. she got out her lunch, sat down and waited for the second person to come. nakagawa ryo, a third year she hadn't heard much about. she was fairly sure he was on the track team, but didn't know much more than that.

lunch had come and gone, and y/n got up from the ground, dusting her skirt off. "i guess he didn't come. i'm going to be late if i wait any longer," she sighed.

after her class was dismissed, y/n searched the hallways for the familiar head of red hair that belonged to asaki. it wasn't too hard to find, considering asaki stood at 183 centimetres (just over 6'), much taller than most of the other students.

"good afternoon, asaki-san." y/n picked up her pace to keep up with her long legged friend. "i'll be heading to the volleyball gym now, i'll text you when i get home. goodbye."

asaki gave y/n a 'goodbye' and went off in the other direction to the library. true to her word, the h/c haired girl speedwalked to the volleyball gym to see what the captain had in store for her. a minute passed by quickly and she had found herself at her destination.

"pardon the intrusion," she said, walking into the gym. it appeared the team hadn't started practice yet. she hoped oikawa would be quick, y/n didn't want to keep them from practicing. she figured it would be safe to sit on one of the benches for now, until they started throwing balls around. if she had to stay in the gym past that point she'd just go to the bleachers.

a hot second passed and y/n wondered if oikawa was even in the dressing rooms yet. she frowned, brows furrowed, she would be upset if the brunette cancelled on her. a waste of time.

just as her hope dwindled away, a pair of third years approached her.

"hello, l/n-san," the first of them said — a boy with pink-brown hair. y/n was familiar with him enough to know his name, hanamaki takahiro, but not much else. the same went for the other one, matsukawa issei.

"good afternoon, hanamaki-senpai, matsukawa-senpai." she bowed slightly, "you wouldn't happen to know where oikawa-san is?"

the pair exchanged a glance.

"oi, oikawa," matsukawa spoke up, yelling towards the gym entrance, "l/n-san wants to see you."

a few moments later, y/n could hear the sighs of a handful of girls as oikawa burst through the door.

"l/n-chan! i can't believe you came to see me!" he exclaimed, running up to y/n with a shit eating grin on his face.

"oikawa-san, as much as i appreciate your enthusiasm, you asked me to come via letter," y/n deadpanned, pulling the envelope out of her school bag.

"oh, yeah! of course! let's go outside, i want to say something to you without makki and mattsun listening." without waiting for y/n's response, oikawa dragged her out to behind the gym.

"okay, l/n-chan, i came here to ask you if you'd-" oikawa began dramatically before being cut off,

"oi, shittykawa. what're you doing? you're supposed to be warming up."

y/n turned her head to find the source of the voice. before that moment, she had never had a 'type' before. she had never even thought of actually being in a romantic relationship. but, in only a split second, iwaizumi hajime changed that.

and that's what started the rollercoaster ride that was her second year at highschool.

JHSDKJSAHK iwa makes me go 😳😳 i love him. and yes, y/n is a goddess, true to life😌 okay! love you babes <3

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