Chapter Two

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Ellis' POV

I heard Nick talking, so Ellie's mom left them when she was only two years old that's just harsh, why would anyone want to leave this adorable child?!

Once they finished talking I sat up as if I just woke up and rubbed my eyes I looked at them and smiled they looked over and waved with a smile.

"Hey guys, y'all okay?" I asked with a smile they nodded.

"Since you both are awake, do you guys suppose you can go looking for supplies or a sign on which way to go? I can stay here with the girls since they are still asleep" he said I shrugged and nodded.

"I can go, Nick are ya coming along?" I asked nick he nodded and we left the safehouse.

We looked around for supplies or signs/directions to the evac center.

We found an army like tent we went in and saw three medical beds and tables, there were ammo and two guns on the table Nick was grabbing the Ammo and guns as i looked outside to see a sign showing us which way to go for the Evac center.

"Ey nick look" I said and pointed at the sign he looked and smiled "let's go get Coach and the girls" he said I nodded in agreement and we went back to the safehouse.

*Nick's POV*

As we walked, I thought about Ellis realizing that I could possibly have feelings for the boy when I just met him yesterday, its only been a day! I can't have feelings for him.....right?

I mean he loved my daughter as his own already and it's only been a day
I only known the Southern man a day and I'm already questioning if I have feelings? I always had this feeling that I was gay, but when I met my wife and was with her that feeling went away and when she left that feeling came back.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bar being lifted allowing the door to open, Ellis and I walked in and I put the stuff down on the table.

"We found a sign that shows us which way to go so we can head out now" Ellis told Coach.

The girls woke up before we got back, Rochelle was currently fixing Ellie's hair in a cute pony tail Ellie was playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" I asked she looked at me and nodded with a smile "Rochelle is fixing my hair daddy!" She said I smiled "it looks beautiful kiddo" she giggled.

"Your little girl is too cute" Ellis said with a smile I nodded "I sure am lucky" i replied he nodded smiling.

We left and continued our way to the Evac center Ellie staying close to me.

Afger about 2 hours of walking and looking for supplies I heard "Daddy how much longer? My feet hurt" she asked and said I looked around to see how long it seemed I sighed as i had no idea how long it would take us to get there.

"I don't know honey, but it should be just a little bit longer" I replied. Then Ellis walked over with a smile "Hey Ellie, do you want a piggyback ride?" She smiled and jumped up and down "yes please!" Ellis chuckled and then picked her up putting her on his back.

I thanked him he just smiled and nodded then we made it to the gun store Ellis was telling us about.

We walked in closing the door behind us I walked over and put Ellie on this green wooden box and looked around seeing all the options of guns.

I took the AK-47 and Ellis took the Sniper rifle, Coach took the auto shotgun and Rochelle took a machine gun.

I also put two pistols in my holsters on my thighs, Ellis found a bat and took it while Coach and Rochelle stuck with their pistols.

I was making sure Ellie was okay while Rochelle was talking to the owner of this gun store, he was currently held up on top of the store in his own little room.

We had to get cola for him, and he'd help us get to the mall where the Evac center was.

So we agreed to that deal and went over to the store and I looked at Ellie worried for her safety.

"Sweetie I want you to stick with me or one of these three, don't wander off on your own please" I said she nodded "okay daddy!" She said perkfully I smiled and I opened the doors to the store and the alarm went off I ran in and grabbed the cola and ran out, Ellie was standing behind Ellis as he shot the Infected.

I ran back to the door and dropped the Cola in the slot, then he shot the barricade with a RPG or something similar.

We thanked him and ran to the Mall, noticing it was quiet...too quiet.

Coach and Rochelle took Ellie to the safehouse while Ellis and I stayed out to scavenge for supplies or something useful.

We made it to another army like tent and found medical beds, with some ammo.

I sighed as there was no food or water, just Ammo and weapons, they were useful but it would be more better if we had found food and water.

"Ey nick ya reckon we could go back to the store and look for food or water?" Ellis recommended I thought of it and shrugged "yeah sure, maybe we'll find something" he smiled.

"Let's go tell Coach and the girls first so they know where we'd be" Ellis said I nodded and we walked to the safe room.

"Nick and I are gonna head back to that store and see if there's any food or water, maybe something else that could be useful for us" Ellis said as soon as we walked in.

"Okay, you both be careful out there" Rochelle said, Worry clear in her voice

"Of course" then I look over to Ellie as she looked worried I walked over "Sweetie I'm gonna go look for food and water okay? Stay with Aunt Rochelle I'll be back, I promise" she nodded I kissed her forehead and walked out with Ellis.

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