The Oracle

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I laid down on the hill and watched the sun rise over the east. The ground rumbled and a distant voice spoke to me. " Prof Tobey Helms, this is not your destiny. You are destined to defeat the curse and save the world. If you do not everyone will die." Clouds rolled over and thunder boomed. " You will have the time of courage when you most need it. Take this." A scroll appeared on the rock next to me. " This will guide you the way from death."

Everyone went silent as the clouds rolled away. Did they hear that? Just as they heard my thoughts the town shouted " All hail the great oracle!" They shouted in chorus. " Here ye! Here ye! The great oracle has told us our destinies." My body let out a sigh of relief. Obviously this has happened before and they didn't hear each other's destinies. I was relieved.

I stood up dazed by the Oracless words. Prof Tobey Helms, this is not your destiny. You are destined to defeat the curse and save the world. If you do not everyone will die. You will have the time of courage when you most need it. This will guide you the way from death. Those words did not make sense. Why did I need courage in a time of need? I had courage didn't I? All these things did not make sense to me.

My ears rang from confusion and brief depression of what I was told. I was meant to die soon but the scroll could save my life. What did the scroll do? This particular scroll felt like it radiated power and saviour. I was going to live.

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