Chapter 2: Old memories

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~AN: Listen to the song linked to this if you like. :3 I just thought it kind of went with Artrains story. (Which you'll learn about later.) Any who, Thank you for reading! :D~
I sighed and sat on a boulder, staring out across the land. I had offered to take night watch considering all the dwarves looked utterly exhausted. They all agreed gratefully, apart from Thorin who simply nodded his head with his face emotionless. His Nephews, who I had learned were named Kili and Fili told me not to take to much notice to him. I couldn't believe the two cheery young dwarves were related to such a bitter, cold man such as Thorin. (Okay I don't mean a word of what I typed about Thorin. I absolutely love him to death XD) Suddenly, a loud howl broke through the silence, causing my head to snap up. "What.. What was that?!" Bilbo asked, Walking closer to the dwarves. Fear was clear in his gaze. "Orcs." Kili replied. As if on cue, another howl sounded. I shuddered. "Orcs?" Bilbo asked. "Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Fili said with a nod. Bilbo looked horrified. "They strike in the wee small hours, when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood." Kili said. The brothers looked at each other and began to laugh. Rage boiled in my veins. I stormed over to the two princes "Do you think that is funny?!" I snarled "do you think it is A joke for innocent people to be killed by those filthy beasts?!" Kili and Fili instantly looked guilty. I could feel the entire company staring at me. "We meant nothing by it" Kili mumbled, looking like a small child who was being scolded. I sighed and stormed off, not wanting the dwarves to see the tears that I knew were forming in my eyes. But I managed to hear Thorin say "No, you didn't. you know nothing of the world." I sighed and walked to a river near the camp. I sat down at the edge, willing the dark memories of my childhood to go away. But of course, they didn't. Many horrifying images ran through my mind of orcs and my people. I was young, barely old enough to be able to change into my wolf form. Our home had been attacked by orcs. They intended to end our kind, our people had made the mistake of getting in the way of their plans. They were going to make sure that wouldn't happen Again. I watched everyone I knew and loved die. My mother, my Father, even my brother. Yet I somehow managed to get away with just a few scratches and bruises. After that I made way for the Shire and ran into Bilbo. I was just a scared girl at the time and he welcomed me into his home with open arms, which I was eternally grateful for. I sobbed, pulling my knees up to my chest. Why me? Why was it me that got out unharmed? Why not my brother or my family? "Artrain?" A deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. I knew it was Thorin, this only caused me to cover my face even more. I didn't want him to know how weak and vulnerable I looked. I heard his heavy footsteps come closer to me. he kneeled down in front of me. "What troubles you?" He asked. Did his tone actually sound gentle?? I looked up at him, his piercing blue eyes met mine. "I-I'm sorry." I said, with my voice cracking. I winced at how pathetic I sounded. "Do not apologize." Thorin said "we all have our weak moments." He said simply, wiping away a few of my tears. 'When did he become so caring??' I thought to myself.

~Sorry lol this is a bad chapter. I'll try to do better. Comment of what you guys think so far ;)~

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