1:1 - wolf moon

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this is after they scott got bit and they looking for the inhaler.

y/ns pov
"i still don't know why you bother spying on this boy derek". "i'm not spying...i'm closely looking". "mmm sure derek".
i say as we walk behind trees, the leaves crunching as we do so. "do you smell that?" he asked. "the only smell is that dump next to that bush" i say. smirking, holding back a laugh, he responds "focus y/n, you were getting so much better at this last week". "okok hush now" i say shoving my hand in his face. i start to smell...mint..mojito??? and...a werewolf. "yeah, a smell werewolf with a hint of mint" i say. as you can tell i'm very sarcastic. "they are coming, hide behind that tree" he calmly said.
derek is a bit much sometimes as he is scary and rude to others but he loves me and even though he doesn't admit it, he does. i think atleast, he's always been so sweet with me.
i start to doze of when i finally hear a voice
"this is private property" derek says firmly. "oh sorry, we didn't know" a boy with lots and lots of hair said. i can literally smell the fear of him. "yeah. we thought we forgot something" the other boy said. i look at the other boy. he's not bad. compared to most. honestly he's kinda cute. i focus my attention back to derek when he pulls out an...inhaler? tf
he throws it at the long haired boy. they start walking back, me and derek listening to their convo.
"dude that was derek hale!" the attractive boy said. "his family died in a fire years ago"
that's when i stopped listening. i was very sensitive about that topic. even though i was small, i still remember it like it was yesterday.
"hey, y/n let's head back ok" derek says looking at me with concern. "yeah ok" i saw smiling at him. we walk back

-the next day-

it's 8:39 am and i hear derek run into my room and jump on me. "DEREK WHAT THE FU-." "no swearing baby wolf" he says and gets off me. baby wolf. odd nickname ik but before the fire, when peter was helping derek with homework, derek asked "why don't they call new born wolfs baby wolfs?" "um- derek that's not on our priority list right now" peter responded. "ik. baby wolf....y/n!" derek said exclaiming my name (me not knowing as i was a baby). "what about y/n!"  peter responds panicking. see i never really met peter but according to derek when i was a baby he liked me a lot. "y/n is out baby wolf!" derek said happy. "you are five"

"anyways i think i found someone to help you" derek said crossing his arms. "with what exactly?" i say still waking up. "with your eyes" "what's wrong with my eyes" "the colour" "honestly i think y/e/c suits me" "not that" "then what" "your trying to hard to avoid this. listen i know your scared to find out what your eyes mean after we found out about mine, but it's ok. we will get through it" derek said. "okok. where do i go"

hey guys 💚
ik there wasn't any stiles in here but i needed an intro
so stiles in the next chapter??

stiles stilinski x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt