The mysterious man [Part 2]

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^^This picture and video doesn't belong to me.
Enjoy :)

Lissa: "Chrom, (Y/N), we have to stop them!"
Me: "Don't worry--after today, these bandits won't be bothering anyone ever again..." I said.
Chrom: "Right you are (N/N)." He said and looked in my direction then we heard a familiar voice from earlier.
Robin: "Wait!"
*Story beings*


Me: "Robin! You followed us! Why?" I asked him.
Robin: "I...I'm not certain myself. But I'm armed, and I know my way around a fight, if you'll have me."
Chrom: "Of course--strength in numbers. Just stay close!" Chrom told him and the battle began. I ran up to a Ruffian and attacked him with my twin blades and Chrom attacks with his Falchion leaving Frederick to protect Lissa.

I ran up to the leader of the brigands, but I got hit with his blade making my arm bleed.
Chrom: "(Y/N) are you all right? Don't rush into danger!" Chrom yelled as he ran towards me.
Me: "I'm fine, Chrom. Don't worry." I said holding my wounded arm.
Chrom: "You can't fight in a battle with a wound like that go to Lissa to get the healed." Chrom commanded and I went to Lissa to get my arm healed.

Chroms POV

I was fighting a Ruffian with Robin by my side. I hope (Y/N) is all right that was a nasty cut that she got.
We were fighting the leader earning a few cuts and bruises ourselves but we finally defeated the brigands. Thank the Gods everyone didn't get seriously hurt and it was a victory.


We defeated the leader! Finally!
Me: "Well, that's the end of that."
Lissa: "Lucky for the town we were close by. But holy wow, Robin! You were incredible!"
Robin: "Thanks."
Chrom: "You're certainly no helpless victim, that much is for sure."
Frederick: "Indeed. Perhaps you might even be capable of an explanation for how you came here?" Frederick ask Robin.
Robin: "I understand your scepticism, Sir Frederick.  And I cannot explain why just some knowledge has returned to me. But please, believe me. I have shared all that I know." Robin said hoping that we believe him as he looked at me and Chrom.
Chrom: "You fought to save Yilssean lives. My heart says that's enough."
Me: "I agree you've risked your life to help us save them. Thank you, my heart says you are true to your words." I said then Chrom puts a hand on my shoulder, we looked at each other then smiled.
Frederick: "And your minds, milord and milady? Will you not heed its counsel as well?" Frederick asked us.
Chrom: "Frederick, the shepherds could use someone with Robin's talents. We've brigands and unruly neighbor's, all looking to bloody our soil. Would you really have us lose such an able tactician? Besides I believe his story, odd as it might be."
Robin: "Th-thank you, Chrom."
Me: "So how about it? Will you join us Robin?"
Robin: "I would be honoured."
We walked towards the village and then Frederick spoke...
Frederick: "Did you notice, milord? The brigands spoke with a Plegian accent."
Robin: "Plegian? What's that?" Robin asks.
Me: "Plegia is Ylisse's westerly neighbor."
Chrom: "They send small bands into our territory, hoping to instigate a war."
Lissa: "And it's the poor townsfolk who suffer! Totally innocent and totally helpless..."
Frederick: "They do have us, milady: Shepherds to protect the sheep. Do not be swept up in your anger. It will cloud your judgement."
Lissa: "I know, I know...Don't worry. I'll get use to all of this." Lissa said then a villager ran up to us and said...
Villager: "Milord, milady, please! You must stay the night! We are simple folk of simple means, but we would gladly toast your valour with a feast!" He told us.
Frederick: "A most generous offer, sir, and no doubt your hospitality would be grand...but I'm afraid we must hurry back to Ylisstol." Frederick replied to the villager.
Lissa: "Dark meat only for me, medium well, and no salt in the soup. I simply-- Wait, what?! We're not staying?! But, Frederick, it's nearly dark!"
Frederick: "When night falls, we'll camp. Eat off the land, make our bed of twigs and the like...I believe you mentioned that you would be 'getting used to this'?"
Lissa: "Frederick? Sometimes I hate you."
Robin: "You're quite the stern lieutenant there." He told Frederick.
Lissa: "Yeah,well, 'stern' is one name for it. I can think of a few others!" She replied to Robin.
Chrom: "Frederick only smiles when he's about to bring down the axe." Chrom says to Robin.
Robin: "Duly noted." He said sweat dropping from his forehead.
Me: "Don't worry you'll be fine I promise." I said smiling at him.
Frederick: *Ahem* "You do realise I AM still present?"
Chrom: "Oh, we realised."
Me: "How could we forget?"
Robin: "Heh heh." Robin chuckled and what Chrom and I said.
Frederick: "Milord and milady remains as amusing as ever. Now then, shall we be going?"
Chrom: "All right, all right. Ready to go, Robin? The capital isn't far."

[Time Skip] West of Ylisstol

Still (Y/N)'s POV

Lissa: "I told you--it's getting dark already! Ech! And now the bugs are out! Noisy, disgusting bugs that buzz around and crawl all over and bite you when--Agh! Won gopher in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!"
Chrom: "Aw come on now, Lissa. Hardship builds character. Want to help me gather firewood?"
Lissa: "Tpht! Tpht! Yeeeeeeeeuck!... I think I swallowed it...I'll pass on finding firewood, thanks. I think I've built QUITE enough character for one day!"
Me: "I'll help Chrom."
Chrom: "Thanks (Y/N)." He said as I smiled at him.
Robin: "We should probably think about food. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
Frederick: "Yes, I should think a little hunting and gathering is in order. Now, who wants to clear a campsite?"

[Mini time skip]

Everyone was gathered around the fire that me and Chrom made and was eating bear meat that Frederick caught for us.
Chrom: "'s been too long since I last had bear meat. Delicious!... what's wrong, Lissa? Dig in."
Lissa: "Pass!...Gods, why couldn't you spear us an animal normal people eat for once? I mean, come on! Who eats bear?! You're meddling with the food chain. Right, Robin?... Uh, Robin?" We looked at Robin to see him eating the bear meat.
Lissa: *Sigh* "I suppose a person would enjoy just about anything after not eating for days..."
Me: "Just eat it, Lissa. Meat is meat."
Lissa: "But, since when does meat smell like old boots?! Wait, I take that back--boots smell better!" Me and Chrom giggled at Lissa as she rambled on about the bear meat.
Frederick: "Every experience makes you stronger, milady. Even those we don't enjoy."
Lissa: "Really? Then why don't I see YOU eating, Frederick?" Lissa asks.
Frederick: "Me? Oh, well...I'm not hungry. I...I had a large lunch! Yes, quite." I looked and gave him the 'really?' face.
Me: "Yeah right, Frederick!"

[Time skip] Night time

Chrom's POV

Me: "...Huh?" I woke up, something wasn't right at this very moment. Something is wrong here, but what?
Lissa: *Yawns* "What's wrong, big brother?" Lissa said as she awoke from her slumber then (Y/N) woke up.
(Y/N): "Why are you two awake?" She asked as she wiped the sleep out of her eyes.
Me: "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, but...something is amiss..." I told them.
Lissa: "Define 'something'."
Me: "I'm not sure...I think I'll have a look around."
Lissa: "Not alone, you won't! I'm coming too." Lissa said.
Me: "Heh. Thanks, Lissa."
(Y/N): "I'll come too as I'm awake."
Me: "Right, let's go."

[Mini time skip]

We were looking around in the forest in silence when Lissa broke it...
Lissa: "It sure is dark...and quite. Where did the birds go?"
Me: "Something is wrong here..." I said as the ground started to shake. 'What is happening?' I thought.
Lissa: "Aaah! Chrom! (Y/N)!" Lissa screamed as (Y/N) grabbed hold of me tightly so she wouldn't fall and I pulled Lissa gently towards me.
Me: "Gods, what...Argh! What is this madness?! Lissa, (Y/N) stay close!" I told them. Then the trees started to collapse.

Me: "Lissa, run!" I told her.
Lissa: "Huh?" She said.
Me: "I mean it! Go! Come on (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "Right." We ran as fast as we could as the ground cracked and lava spilled out and more trees fall. Lissa keeps running a head of us as (Y/N) keeps pace with me.
Me: "Hey! This way!" I told Lissa and we continue running I jumped off the ledge and my sisters did the same. We stopped when we noticed that the ground has stopped shaking and no more trees were falling. We tried to catch our breath when Lissa yelled...
Lissa: "Chrom, what is that?!"

To be continued...
Word count: 1540

《Hello everyone I hope you like the second part of the story so far and thanks for reading my stories, Izzy-chan out.》

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