Da thingie

12 0 0

Name: I don't have one tho

Age: none of yo goddam business

Favorite quote: you can find light in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledor/ SILLY CHINESE CANADIAN BABY MAN- Arion the Horse / DIE CUPCAKE - Coach Hedge

Favorite books: Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus/ Harry Potter/ Narnia

The most Factual Facts i know: ITS LEVIOOOSA NOT LEVIOSAAAA/ Leo Valdez is on fire!

Running speed: it depends on the shoes

bestest friends of friends: Chocolate and ice cream

Crush:   Ummm..


Leo Valdez

Number of sib: 0

Fav movie: Harry Potter, Zoo, Lock and Key

Fav ice cream flav: pistachio

Fav cookie:  chocolate chip

If you could change anything about ur house, what would i t be: i would have my own room. Pet. A personal library, cinema room, Harry Potter PJO fan room

Ok da end

I dare haiiiiamuptonogood to respond to all of them

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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