New York City

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At first Flint was scared, but realized this was his chance to do whenever he wanted on vacation.

He discovered that New York City was a magical place to celebrate Christmas.

He rode around in a yellow cab.

He saw the Statue Of Liberty.

He went to the top of the tallest building,

and he walked through Central Park.

There was a wallet in his dad's bag, Flint checked into the fanciest hotel in the city.

There was no one to tell him what to do,

so Flint watched lots of TV and lots of food from room service.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman and Eggette have made their way to New York as well, after recently escaping from a prison in Mobius during a riot on a fish truck and plan their next scheme.

The next day was Christmas Eve.

Flint took a limousine to the biggest toy store in New York.

He met the store's owner.

Mr. Duncan, who told Flint that all of the money the store earned on Christmas Eve would be donated to children's hospital.

Flint gave him his whole allowance. He thought the kids in the hospital needed it more then he did. To thank Flint,

Mr. Duncan give him a pair of special ornaments.

"Turtledoves are a symbol of friendship. One dove you should keep, and the other you should give to a true friend." he said.

Flint left the store and looked at the map for directions.

He wanted to visit the biggest Christmas tree in the city.

Then, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Flint turned around ... and screamed.

It was Eggman and Eggette the villains who tried to rob his house last Christmas Eve, when he was home alone!

"Tonight, we're going to rob that toy story!" Dr. Eggman said.

"And this time, we're not going to let stop us!"

They both laughed evilly.

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