"Unless you won't have any information about it."

"You seem to forget Steven gossips like a little girl and I can also have my ways with Rosa too. I'll have the details before you even get home after the date."

"You are so full of yourself, Styles," you sigh, shaking your head.

"Yeah, and it seems like you were also full of me one time."

"Go to Hell," you spat, mocking his British accent that just makes him laugh. "If you are done making a joke out of me I'd like to get back to work."

"Whatever, Love. We both know you just want to get away from this conversation so I don't roast you even more."

"Bye, Harry!" you sing before ending the line without even waiting for an answer. Harry Styles once again proved how talented he is in getting on your nerves.


Marcus turns out to be a great company and you are finally sending your kudos to your sister for setting you up with a hot guy who is also smart enough to keep up the conversation and not bore you out of your pants.

He took you to a fancy restaurant that's in the building of a hotel, a place you normally never go to, because it's pretty much out of your budget, but Marcus was persistent on going there and paying for dinner. After the starter awkwardness you soon cool down and maybe that wine he ordered has helped you relax too. Marcus tells you about himself and then you do the same, just covering the usual fields of your life.

"I have to admit, when Rosa said she wants to set me up with her little sister I was hesitant at first," he chuckles softly when your dishes finally arrive.

"You're not alone with that."

"Does she set you up often?"

You shake your head. "No, there was just one other time, but the guy was horrible, I have no idea why Rosa thought we would be a match."

"I hope I've been better than him," Marcus chuckles.


You hear your phone buzzing in your purse and at first you just ignore it, but when it goes off two more times you sigh and reach for your purse.

"Sorry, I forgot to mute it completely," you excuse yourself as you grab your phone and your plan was just to mute it, but then you see that you got three texts from Harry and your curiosity doesn't let you slide over it so you quickly check them.

"Well done with your outfit."

"Gives a great view of your legs."

"Is it also this tight on your ass?"

You run over the messages two more times, staring at your phone in complete confusion. What is he talking about? How does he know what you are wearing?

"Is everything alright?" Marcus asks and you snap your eyes back at him.

"I, uhh—Yes, everything is fine, it's just that..."

As your gaze runs over the place your anger immediately boils inside you when you spot that familiar grin at the bar. Harry is sitting right there with a scotch in his hand that he raises when you spot him. There's another guy with him who you don't know, but it seems like he is more focused on you than his friend.

"For fuck's sake..." you breathe out clenching your jaw. "Excuse me for a second," you tell Marcus who just curiously eyes you as you slide out of your seat and head over to the bar. As you march over to the grinning Harry you are literally fuming, ready to kill him right then and there.

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