So, sending his friend a pointed look, Matt turned around to walk away, leaving Mike to look at Emily as she pouted, clearly still angry.

"Did she hurt you?" He asked, his eyes scanning her face and stopping at the clear red mark Santana had left on her cheek.

"I'm fine." She huffed, before looking up at Mike and smiling a bit as she grabbed her books from his hands. "Thanks."

"No problem." He shrugged, extending a hand toward her.

And as much as she took it and allowed him to walk with her down the hallways, Mike could feel the awkwardness of the whole situation and he sighed, noticing the way Emily refused to meet his eye at all costs. He shook his head then, that doubt still bothering him in the back of his mind, but now louder than ever as it mixed itself with Santana's words.

Emily doesn't love you. She was never even into you to begin with!


"Hey. She's onto it." Mercedes said, as she spoke on the phone with Tina.

She didn't even need to explain any further, they knew what that meant: Rachel was starting to suspect that Quinn's baby wasn't actually Finn's.

"I know. It's really freaking me out. Hold up." Tina agreed with her friend, before frowning as she looked at her phone when it buzzed. "Artie's buzzing in. I'm going party line."

"Dudes, this is serious." Artie said as soon as he was put in the call. "If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth."

Before anyone could say anything, however, Tina cut them off again.

"Kurt wants in."

"We can't let her babble, guys." The boy said, flinching when he saw the name on his phone when it buzzed, knowing full-well she'd be livid. "Wait, Emily's calling."

"Which one of you losers did this?" She practically growled on the phone as they all winced a bit in fear.

"I say we lock Rachel up until after Sectionals." Kurt said.

"I volunteer my basement." Emily was quick to agree.

"We can't." Mercedes shook her head. "We need her to sing."

"Damn her talent." Kurt mumbled, as Emily accepted Santana and Brittany in the party-line.

"We just heard." Santana said as soon as she was in. "Who told?"

"We assumed it was you." Artie said.

"Why would I do that?" Santana scoffed.

"To get back at Puck." Kurt shrugged. "Aren't you guys dating?"

"Sex is not dating."

"If it were, Santana and I would be dating." Brittany said and, after that, there was a moment of stunned silence. Were Brittany and Santana actually hooking up or was that one of Brittany's weird outbursts?

"Look, I don't want to rock the boat." Santana said, after recovering and, thankfully, getting the conversation back on track. "Since Quinn got pregnant, I'm top dog around here."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." Emily smirked slightly, the corner of her lips only curling up higher when Santana scoffed.

"Listen here, tubbers, I..."

"Hold up. Rachel's walking by." Mercedes said, cutting off Santana's rant as she smiled falsely at Rachel who was walking down the hallway, oblivious to, pretty much, the rest of the glee club meeting in the party-line. "Hey, hot mama! She's gone. Look, I know I screwed up telling all you guys about Quinn and Puck, and I feel really terrible about it, but we cannot let Rachel figure this out. If she tells Finn, he's going to flip."

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