None, but he wants one.

Other markings:
+a scar on the back of his left arm, he got it from a fish hook
+his tail is a little bit beat up, sea life isn't really all that friendly to sirens


Overall personality:
Honestly at first glance, Caspian doesn't seem like he has very many redeeming qualities. You talk to him and your first impression will probably be something along the lines of "this guy is a jerk" and you wouldn't be wrong, he can be a jerk a lot of the time, he's hard to get along with due to his nonchalant mentality about a lot of matters outside of himself. But thankfully for you, he isn't completely shallow, there's depth for people who have the patience to deal with his arrogant shenanigans.

It isn't obvious but he catches onto things that are important to you. You'll mention something you talked to him about ages ago, and he'll bring it back up like it's still fresh in his mind. That means he has to at least care a little bit right?However, even with the personality that he showcases on the surface, he still manages to draw others in. This has to do with him being a siren. Thanks to their powers of charm, whenever a siren does visit land, humans feel naturally drawn to them.

+somewhat blunt
+he's a definite tease
+he isn't afraid to tell a few lies to get his way

Fatal flaws:
+he's quite bad at making good decisions. Its partly due to how he was raised. He only cares about picking the decisions that suit his personal needs the best, he won't pick the thing that could possibly help him become a better person on his own, if he does than he must really care about the person he makes that decision for.
+he sometimes acts like a bit of a know-it-all

+he's never experienced heights so being high up would probably freak him out

+full moons
+luring humans
+cold weather
+himself, I know this was mentioned earlier but I'm going to mention it again because he likes himself quite a lot
+having his picture taken (as long as it's flattering) and taking pictures

+fishing boats
+even though he enjoys storms, he doesn't like choppy water. It makes it hard to swim
+being told what to do
+being embarrassed

Turn ons:
+his partner also being someone who is confident
+someone who can challenge him mentally would be a massive turn on for him. It would strike his interest right away
+having his hair played with/pulled

Turn offs:
+someone who is boring (what he defines as "boring" is what you're going to have to discover)
+anything weird or gross
+not really a fan of pet names
+someone who is too easy of a catch. He will enjoy a hookup but it's unlikely that, that hookup will lead to a committed relationship


Any addictions?:




Favorite pastime/ hobby:
Watching jellyfish

Individual Yaoi RoleplayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora