Chapter 2

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Harry's wishes for a quit year were looking more and more like dreams. During his last week at the Dursley's, the twins had broken him out with a flying car. He was offered to stay at the burrow for the remaining few days, and he was also invited to accompany them to the Quidditch World Cup. He had happily agreed and had watched to match with them. It was here that he first saw Viktor Krum, the famous Bulgarian Seeker. However it was at this World Cup that he once again crossed paths with dead. A couple of Death Eaters had attacked the camping and had conjured the dark mark in the air. Luckily, there were no wounded and he accompanied Ron and Hermoine back to Hogwarts.

He was now sitting in the train, with Ron beside him and Hermoine on the opposite end. He wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying and by the sound of it they were once again in a heated discussion. He was staring out of the window, thinking how Sirius was doing. He figured that it was hard for him to live like a wanted criminal and wondered when he would see his godfather again.

"Harry, we're here." Hermoine said, snapping him out of his train of thoughts. He turned to look at her.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." He apologized with a weak smile, she smiled back and left the carriage, he followed her. During the ride to the castle he was once again silent, this time more focusing on all his courses and praying to whatever deity there was that this would be a calm year.

After settling in the dormitories and witnessing the sorting of the first years, they had dinner in the great hall. This time he asked how Hermoine's and Ron's summer had been and was happy to hear them ramble about all the things they had done. Apparently, Hermoine went on holiday to Spain, and Ron talked about the plans his twin brothers had about opening a shop on their own. Ron was probably going to ask him what he did during the summer but Dumbledore ushered everyone to be silent.

"First of all, I want to welcome the first years and wish every single one of you good luck in this new school year." He started in a gentle tone. "The teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts will be Professor Moody." He announced the new teacher who took one step forwards. He had a wooden leg and an artificial eye. He occasionally sipped from a metal flask. He's probably not drinking water. Harry mused, thinking that the new professor was kind of weird. "I would also like to announce that the Triwizard Championship will be held again, at our school. It will start in October, the winner will receive thousand galleons worth of price money. More information will follow soon at the start of the Championship, thank you for your attention." He finished, murmurs erupted throughout the hall.

"Are you going to compete, Harry?" Ron asked beside him.

"No, I am not, Ron, I want a quit year for once." He answered and saw the questioning look on Ron"s face.

"Oh, well, I am going to compete, thousand galleons is a lot of money." He said, probably already thinking what he could do with all that money.

"The Tournament is dangerous, Ron. People have died while participating in it." Hermoine scolded him. "Why do you think it was cancelled for so long?" She asked him rhetorically. He just shrugged in response and both he and Hermoine shook their heads at their friends antics.

This will be an interesting year. Harry thought. I hope I can stay and watch from the sidelines for once. He laughed when he saw Hermoine hit Ron on the head, probably because he said something stupid again.


Her mother had not been lying when she said the reactions from her fellow students would be worse once she had matured. She still couldn't control her allure so every male that saw her seemed to lose all brain functions and would just stare at her like a piece of meat. The women were even worse, calling her all sorts of names, most likely out of jealousy. She was already tired of school and it had only just started. She hoped that Gabrielle's day had been better. Gabrielle attended the same school but was in her fifth year. even though she is almost 15, she has to go through the same hell as me. She sighed while sitting on her bed. If she could she would spare her little sister all the pain and the loneliness she had to endure when she was that age. They had at least each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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