The trio all looked at me solemnly.

Hermione then looked at her watch.

"We haven't done any practising! We were going to do the Impediment Jinx! We'll have to really get down to it tomorrow!" Hermione said, looking shocked.

I took a deep breath.

"Harry, Lu said he'll teach you Stunning, Jay and Jake will teach you hexes, Mike will teach you disarm and he said something about spells to help you navigate the maze. Hermione, Ron and will help with jinxs. You should get some sleep. This is going to be a tiring month." I said.

Harry thanked me and we kissed quickly and went to our dormitories.

Out of my brothers, Jason and Jacob helped the most. Lucas had to study for his NEWTs and Michael had to study for his OWLs. They both made sure to spare two days a week to help Harry. Lucas spent pretty much all his free time on Monday and Tuesday to help Harry, and Michael did the same on Thursday and Friday. Jason and Jacob spent there Wendnesday, Saturday's and Sunday's helping Harry. Some days all four of my brothers would come to help if they had time to spare. Hermione, Ron and I spent everyday helping him. We were supposed to be studying too but we spent most of our time helping Harry.

"Don't worry about it." Hermione said shortly, when Harry pointed it out.

"At least we'll get top marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts. We'd never have found out all these hexes in class." I said eagerly.

"Good training for when we're all Aurors." Ron said excitedly, using the Impendiment Jinx on a wasp and making it stop in mid air.

I high fived Ron and we laughed excitedly.
We all felt more confident with this task since Moody was right. Harry had done this sort of thing before and this time he had time to prepare. McGonagall, tired of walking in on us all over school, gave us permission to use the empty Transfiguration classroom at lunch times.

With the inexpensible help of my brothers, Harry had quickly mastered the Impediment Jink, that slowed objects and obstruct attackers. The Reductor curse, which blasted solid objects out of his way. The Four-Point Spell that Michael had taught him that would help him navigate the maze. It was a spell that would point you north. My brothers taught Hermione, Ron and I the spells since we were there so we might as well learn them too. Harry was still having trouble with the Shield Charm, though. This spell was a temporary, visible wall that would deflect minor curses. Lucas had managed to break it with a well placed Jelly-Legs Jink.

"You still doing really well Harry. I spent years learning a bunch of spells and I had support of teachers and your learning a bunch all at once in the space of a month. Your going at really good pace." Lucas said.

"You know I might consider a career in teaching." Michael said, thoughtfully.

"Yeah, if you want to deal with classes full of Ro's for most your life." Jason said.

Everyone laughed at my mock offended expression and I soon joined in.

"Luke, your leaving this year. Any plans on what you want to do?" Hermione asked.

"You could be Minister of Magic. Your good enough. You'd be really good one." Ron said enthusiastically.

Lucas smiled brotherly at him.

"I want to work in the Department of Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures. I want to make life better for people like Moony. Good people who had an unfortunate thing happen to them. Not just werewolves but all sorts of creatures. Did you guys know that granddad Lyall worked in that Department?" Lucas said.

"He did?" I asked curiously.

Granddad Lyall died not long after I turned five. He came round a lot and when he started to get a bit ill he moved into the Manor. Despite being ill he still ran around with us at least once a day and played with us most of the day.

"Yeah, Moony asked me about what I wanted to do the Summer Dad broke out of Azkaban. I told him and he smiled and told me that granddad had worked in that Department. He specialised in Boggarts." Lucas said.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now