"One of the stories is that Orion boasted to the goddess Artemis and her mother Leto that he could kill any beast on earth. The Earth Goddess heard him and sent a scorpion, which stung the giant to death." You answered.

"Correct. 10 points to Hufflepuff."

Time skip:

"(Y/N), wait up. Let's walk back to the common rooms together." Cedric called.

"Okay." You smiled.

As you walked, you started humming a soft melody.

"What's that melody? I don't recognise it." Cedric mumbled.

"Oh, it's a muggle song. It was my mums favourite." You smiled, softly.

"I've never heard you talk about your mother. What is she like?" He asked.

"My mother loved to sing. When she was cooking, or cleaning, or walking, anything really, she would sing. Specifically one song. It was her and Dad's song. They were at a school dance together and they're first dance and kiss happened during it. They also danced to it at their wedding. She loved playing board or card games, so we'd have game nights once a week. And she would always look after me and dad. It was really nice. She was a wonderful woman." You whispered near the end.

"You're talking in the past tense." Cedric pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. My mum passed in a car accident a few years back."

"I'm sorry." He frowned.

"Oh, don't worry. She's watching over me and dad now." You smiled, looking up.

"I'm glad you're not too down about that." He smiled. "You doing anything before dinner?"

"Not that I can think of. I think Justin wanted to talk to me, but that can be done at dinner. Why?" You asked.

"Let's do something together." He smiled.

"Sure. What were you thinking of doing?" You asked.

"We could take a walk and sit in the library. I know you like sitting in there and reading." He smiled.

"Alright." You smiled, arriving in the common rooms. "I'll just change out of my robes. Meet down here?"


Time skip:

As you walked down the stairs to the common room, you smiled at the boy waiting for you.

You were dressed in a yellow sweater, tucked into a black skirt, with black and white knee-high socks and black boots. You had grabbed a white, fluffy coat and your Hufflepuff scarf, wrapping it around your neck.

"Shall we?" He asked, motioning towards the exit.

"Yes, we shall." You giggled.

Time skip:

Sitting in the library, in one of the comfy window seats, you waited for Cedric to get back.

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