Chapter 2 | Unexpected Encounter

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"Gojo-san, I'm sorry if I'm rude. Who is this fine lady who you've brought along today?" Ichiji asks in a shaky voice, breaking the uncomfortable silence inside the limousine.

Hypnotizing silent (e/c) eyes meet Ichiji's in the rear-view mirror. She breaks the gaze to glance at Gojo. Embarrassed, Ichiji focuses on the road, nervously sweating.

Gojo speaks up. "Her name is (y/n)."

Then he leans in towards her and whispers in her ear. "You can trust him."

Without pausing, he speaks louder.

"His name is Ichiji. You can call him whenever you want to." He tells her.

"Eh?" Ichiji is flustered. Now he was slightly excited to hear her voice.

"I added his number on your phone. One ring and he'll be at your service!" Gojo's tone is sing-song like as he swings his index fingers left and right rhythmically.

"Please take care of me." (y/n) replied sweetly, and smiled.

Ichiji felt shivers go down his spine. She looked so divine, but something was off. For some unknown reason, the atmosphere in the car was chilling. Then he sensed it, all his instincts as a jujutsu sorcerer stinging. There was a constant, faint tug at the wheel he was gripping. Whenever he turned a corner, the wheel was stiffer than usual, like someone had a hand unceasingly gripping the wheel to constantly stabilize the car. There was something in this car with the three of them. But, if he felt it, Gojo should've as well. If he knows its here, perhaps they were fine?

Taking sneak peaks every few minutes, Ichiji made a couple of observations. Although when Gojo introduced her, he lacked seriousness, now he was was talking extremely softly and courteously to her, and it contrasted his everyday goofy and chaotic demeanor. He also recognized how her eyes glittered slightly when he was talking to her, but whenever their conversation died down the light instantly left her eyes and she sat there with an emotionless face. What a strange, beautiful lady, Ichiji thought. Most likely, she was important to Gojo, he deduced in the end.

They were driving down a road, spotless of cars through the dense forest that led to the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School. Ichiji was driving safely. Suddenly, the two of them in the back simultaneously whipped their heads to the right. A dark shadow eclipsed the sun.

It was a split second, Gojo whipped out two fingers to set up his flow of cursed energy. Something came crashing into the car which sent it spinning. Thanks to the infinity that Gojo instantaneously created around the car, there was no physical damage done to the vehicle. It was just dramatically spun, like a bayblade, down a few meters around the road.

Ichiji felt his surroundings spin. In the brink of the moment, his eyes caught the sight of the steering wheel. When the car was sent spinning, it didn't even budge. The car just Tokyo drifted down, leaving tire marks down the road. As I thought, there was something in the car! Ichiji internally dreaded this sensation of fear. The something inside the car, was freaking him out more than the something that was attacking it.

He decided to notify Gojo about it. "Gojo-san, there is something here-" He breathes out so quietly, he doubt Gojo's heard him but he's cut off.

"Here it comes!" Gojo yells, clutching (y/n) around her shoulder. BOOM. And the car is sent spinning again on impact with the infinity. Oddly, she's sitting there unbothered, her hair swaying as she's jolted sideways.

"What's going on!?" Ichiji, manages to yelp out in a loud voice this time.

"Huge-ass cursed spirit!" Gojo shouts back.

"Satoru." (y/n) clearly looks irritated now, as the cursed spirit lands another blow on the car, sending it spinning yet again, but not damaging it.


"Why aren't you just cleaning that thing up." she asks plainly, pointing at the mess of a monster that was trudging towards the car.

"I have to leave the car."

"Then go."

He disappears into thin air, and reappears outside facing the monster.

Jutsushiki Hanten: Aka

A red orb appears at the tip of his finger. Upon releasing it, the monster explodes quite literally, and blood rains from the sky.

Whisking out an umbrella, she exits the car gracefully. Ichiji wonders where the umbrella came from. It shields her from the raining blood temporarily, as it stops a few seconds later.

~Gojo Satoru POV~

(y/n) exits the car. Why is she coming out? Its literally raining blood. Oh, she has an umbrella. Where did THAT come from.

The range of little cursed techniques she could use on a daily basis was astounding. Everything was second nature for her. She never even touched doors, they always swung open for her in submission. It was like using magic, but unfortunately, everything had to be innate cursed energy flowing through her veins.

I watch her squint her eyes at the radiant sun. "Well that was nothing." she says under her breath.

It's been a while since she saw me kill a cursed spirit. She doesn't really look surprised though. It's honestly kind of disappointing.

I check on Ichiji from the corner of my eye. Ichiji looks like he's about to pass out in the car, he's squirming in his seat, staring at the steering wheel with a terrified look. I take off my blindfolds and then see it.

It's Shiki. It's got it's hand - or more likely two pairs of hands - firmly gripping the wheel, and is crouched over Ichiji's shoulders inside the car. Also resting the last pair of its six arms on Ichiji's shoulders. Hiding it's presence in a parallel space-time dimension. Ichiji probably feels its cursed energy vaguely, but can't see it. Poor soul must be panicking.

I concentrate my cursed energy, focusing on the most monstrous of monsters currently grasping onto my junior. It whips its head in my direction. Yeah, look at me bitch.

It doesn't have a face but its giving off a menacing aura, as if to challenge me. That mere low lying creature of a cursed spirit. I scoff at it, multiplying the weight of my cursed energy even more to assert dominance. It shudders and floats right through the frame of the car, to hide behind (y/n), who is staring at the corpse of the cursed spirit I just killed.

Ichiji looks relieved now, and is currently touching around the car. He also touches his shoulders. Must feel lighter. I see the blood drain from his face.

"Man... what a rough start to the week. We aren't even at the school yet."

"Well, that was boring." she frowns. "It was probably a grade 2 cursed spirit, could've at least had a bit more fun with it."

"You were the one who told me to clean it up. I thought you were being impatient." I smile at her.

"Hmph." she sighs.

"I hope your students are a bit more interesting than this."

"Depends on how you'd define that, but yeah, I think you'll love my cute little students." I reply.

She folds her umbrella and returns to the car. When she gets in and closes the door, I shift the vehicle back onto the right side of the road.

Why did this grade 2 cursed spirit attacked us in the first place? Are they cursed spirit reacting to (y/n)'s cursed energy? Is it Shiki's cursed energy?

i m, hUn greeeee I hear a faint voice erupt from the corpse of monster. I burn it. Disgusting. All cursed spirits can rot in hell. I might need to investigate this later. As for now, I really hope she likes Yuji, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki. I'm feel my blood boil for the first time in a few months.

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