"Rest Well, kay?"

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The next day, you wake up early and keep throwing up. You’re not feeling well so you decided not to go to the school. You go to the doctor with your mom and the doctor said you ate expired food yesterday.

"It must be the milk that I drink." You mumble.

You're panic because the doctor also said you need to rest at home and can’t go out for a few days because he’s afraid you'll be throwing up again. You’re afraid you won’t be able to come to the prom because it is exactly tonight. Then, Jaebum visit you to your house. 

"Hey." You greet as he enter your room. You look at your phone, it's 11.31.

"Are you sick?" Asked Jaebum panicly. 

"Yeah. I drink expired milk. Why are you here? Aren't you going to school?" You say trying to change the topic. Hope that he won't worry.

"How come youu--? Aishh. It’s useless to be angry right now." He says then sighs.

"You’re angry because I can’t go to the prom?" You say in low voice. You put yout head down, can't look at him.      

"Well yeah. But it’s more because you’re sick right now. Do you know all the time at school, I’m thinking about you so that's why I'm skipping class?" He says, splashes out every truth.

"Wait, what? You're skipping class? Yaa! You shouldn't be like this!"

"I can't help it. I'm so worried." He says. You're burst into laugh because he's saying cheesy things to you.

"Just shut up. This is embarassing. Have you gone to doctor? And have you eaten?"

“I’ve gone there with my mom. And nope. But I’ll eat later. My mom hasn’t come back." You asnwer him lazily.

"Where did she go?" He asks again with sharp stare. He really looks like my mom now.

"She went to the shopping district." 

"Want me to make porridge?"

You smirk for a moment. Laughing for what he just said. He really acts like your mom. But, something went wrong.


"Why? Do you think I can’t cook?" He says while crossing his arm.

"That’s not what I mean. What I mean is you never cook for anybody. Wellll, except yourself."

"Really? Maybe you’re right. THEN! You must be the lucky one."

He goes outside and makes the porridge. You can tell he’s really good at cooking by the smell of the chicken broth that comes to your nose. He comes to your bedroom and brings the porridge. 

"Tadaa! Chicken porridge by chef DefJayBi!"

"Yeayy!" You clap your hands. You eat the porridge heartly.

"Whoa, are you starving? I’m not sure if you’re sick." 

"I don't think i'm sick because I’m able to see you now! Do you want some? It’s so delicious." You say and end up with laugh because you're saying cheesy thing. You raise a spoon fill up with the chicken p

"Wait, there's..." He saw there's

small piece of chicken stick on your cheek. 

You see his gaze. He smiles. 

"Well, okay then. I’ll have some." He kisses your cheek and start licking the chicken that sticks on your cheek leaving you surprised.

"Whoa. The taste is just simply amazing. Maybe I should be a chef and...” he stops talking because he's seeing your reaction. You're panic and can't think throughly and your face is turning red.

He smiles victoriously, "Look, I can tell how much you like me. Your face it turns-”

You kiss his lips. He stops talking.

Now, his ears turn red.

"See? I can also tell how much you like me. Your ears-" 

"How dare you do this to me? Do you want me to start doing things that are greater than your action just now?" He starts to step up your bed. 

His body is now on your upper body with a small gap. He puts his arms on the right and left side of your head. His face is getting closer and closer towards you. You closed your eyes and..

"Told ya! I win!" Jaebum teases you and ends up laughing. You pinch him hard.

"Fine!" You pout.

He pats your head and laughs, "You know, you look so cute when you're afraid back then."

He steps out of your bed. 

"Rest well, kay?" He says as he walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" ask you. 

"Me? I’m going home. It’s too dangerous to stay here." 

"Dangerous? What? Who?" You ask innocently. Then he points himself.

"I'm dangerous to you. Sleep well!"

"Okay, walk safely to your house!"

"What do you mean by safe? My home is beside your house." He starts to laugh.

"I’m going!" He closes the door.

Prom Night with JB [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now