Part 1: The Plan

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 Mitama clasped her hands imploringly, batting her eyes at the girl sitting across from her. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows of the Coordinator Shop. The tea and cakes Mitama had laid out on the low table between them sat untouched.

 "Not a chance," Momoko said, shaking her head. She flipped her long blonde hair over one shoulder. "I told you- I'm never helping you host another party. Not for Christmas, New Year's, or any other holiday you can think of."

 "Well at least give me a reason why!" Mitama continued to pout.

 Momoko folded her arms and sighed, leaning back in her chair. 

 "Last year you wanted to throw a Christmas party. You asked me to help; I agreed. What followed was three weeks of me frantically running around to get everything ready while you sat back and did nothing."

 "Now, we both know that isn't true," Mitama tutted. "I was doing all of the logistical work! Sending out invites, making lists of what to buy, not to mention being the hostess on the night of the party.

 "And may I remind you," she continued, waving a finger at Momoko, "that you insisted  on having the food catered from Walnut's. I was more than happy to cook!"

 "At least I knew Manaka's cooking wouldn't give everyone food poisoning," Momoko muttered.

 Mitama kept speaking as though she hadn't heard Momoko's remark.

 "Nevertheless, I recognize that I may have left you with a bit too much work. So that's why this year's Christmas party plans will be improved to reflect that."

 "Does this mean you're going to take on more of the preparations?" Momoko asked.

 "Oh no, of course not," Mitama replied. "I have far too much to do as it is. No, I'm simply going to recruit more people to help you! It'll be a team effort."

 Momoko looked skeptical.

 "I don't know, Mitama. Didn't you say you want to have this party on Christmas Eve? It's already the tenth, that doesn't leave a lot of time to get everything ready."

 "We have two weeks," Mitama replied with a wave of her hand. "And there will be less work with more people helping."

 "I suppose that's true..." Momoko said. "But you'll need to find someone willing to spend a lot of time on all the party preparations. Do you have anyone in mind?"

 Just as Mitama opened her mouth to speak, Masara and Kokoro entered the shop, cold December wind blowing in with them.

 "Hello!" Kokoro greeted them. She and Masara began pulling off their coats, laying them over a nearby chair. "Sorry we're a bit late for our appointment, Mitama. Masara's swim meet went over time."

 "Not to worry! Momoko and I were just having a discussion." Mitama looked at Momoko, eyebrows raised. 

 Momoko shook her head a fraction, finally reaching for her cup of tea. She took a sip and made a face. It had gone cold. She carefully placed it back on the table. 

 Mitama rose from her chair, spreading her arms wide.

 "You two are just the girls I need! How would you like to assist me in hosting the event of the year?"

 Masara and Kokoro looked at each other, then back at Mitama. 

 "You mean your Christmas party?" Kokoro asked. "I thought Momoko usually helped with that." 

"Well, I have been informed that last year's event may have involved just a tiny bit too much work for the two of us." Mitama gestured at Momoko, who rolled her eyes. 

 "I don't know," Masara said. "I've never thrown a party before."

 Mitama put the back of her gloved hand to her forehead.

 "Oh, I do so hate to disappoint everyone," she lamented. "What a tragedy it would be if no one had anywhere to go on Christmas Eve. And I would be so lonely, spending the holiday here by myself..."

 "Don't worry, Mitama, I'll help you," Kokoro laughed. She turned to the girl beside her. "What about you, Masara?"

 Masara sighed internally. Planning a party sounded so dull. All that work, just for a few hours of socializing? Not to mention having to clean everything up afterwards. She didn't see the appeal. But Kokoro was beaming beside her. She looked so hopeful, waiting for Masara's reply. 

 If Kokoro wanted to do it, Masara wouldn't refuse. She hesitated, then nodded.

 Mitama clapped her hands together. 

 "Wonderful! After your Adjustments we can discuss the preparations. Don't go anywhere, Momoko, we'll need your assistance as well."

 Momoko seemed for a moment as though she would object. She drummed her fingers on the arm of her chair, deep in thought.

 "Alright, I'll do it," she finally said. "But you owe me."

 "Done," Mitama replied. "I'll see to it that you each get a free Adjustment after the party." 

 Masara's eyes widened. A free Adjustment? Even more reason not to say no. 

 Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. 

Masara's Merry Christmas: A Magia Record FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora