Chapter 2

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Everyone else, too, noticed I got fitter and more confident. Last year I didn't talk to people much, mostly to Angelina. She would tell me all the gossips and I would tell her how Oliver Wood, who I had a crush on, looked at me in the hall. He was mainly the reason I wanted to join the quidditch team, but he left, and I continued to try to prove him that I could do it. I was finally over him, it was a silly crush, but it motivated me to be better and I was grateful for that.

Angelina and I were in separate rooms unlike last year, which made me sad but I couldn't do anything. I was in the room with Ginny and Hermione, they were nice but just too little so we didn't talk much. Angelina stormed into the room without knocking.

"Get dressed, we're going to Hogsmeade"

It was already really cold outside so I put on my Gryffindor scarf to make myself warmer. As we stepped outside, I saw Lee, George, and Fred waiting for us. Apparently, Ang forgot to mention they were coming with us, which never happened before. Ang did go to Hogsmeade with them occasionally, but they never took me, which made me even more suspicious. We went to Zonko's and I separated from the group and lost myself in the shop. All those things were so cool, and I finally got the courage to buy them and test them out. I bought Extendable Ears, Dungbombs and Hiccough Sweets, the latter was the most exciting for me. Luckily, no one saw me buying that, probably they already left the shop, but when I exited, they all were waiting for me outside. Our next stop was Three Broomsticks, the wind was getting colder and we needed to warm up. We sat and Fred said he is going to bring the drinks to the table, I realized it was the best opportunity so I said I'll help him, he could definitely use an extra pair of hands.

"I'll take these three, and you take mine and yours" he commanded me at the bar.

I nodded trying to not look excited because I still couldn't believe I got a chance to do what I planned. As soon as Fred turned around, I spiked his drink with crushed Hiccough Sweets, and then followed him. It was hard but I forced myself to not smile at all and act natural, even though I was hysterical on the inside. I brought the drinks.

"Thanks, Y/n!" said Fred.

"You're welcome, Freddie"

I started sipping my drink, so I won't burst into laughter. Now I really get why the twins prank everyone, it's so much fun.

I didn't wait long for a drink to work, and after a minute or two, Frederick started to hiccup and cough. George started laughing first and then everyone else followed him. Fred looked me in the eyes and hiccupped and I could not hold it anymore. He figured me out soon enough, even though I noticed he looked just as surprised as he was pissed; and I realized he will not forget me that incident. Not a lot of brave souls dared to prank the twins because everyone knew they'll get back at them. However, I felt invincible and ready to get away with it.

I guess it also pissed him that he got fooled by such an amateur as me so instead of sitting and waiting for hiccups and cough to go away, he got up and it was that moment I realized I needed to run. He chased me out of the Three Broomsticks, and since I was in really good shape after the summer, he couldn't reach me even with his long legs, plus the hiccups and cough really got into his way. He hiccupped and slipped on the big chunk of leaves under the maple tree, and I decided to show mercy. I turned back to help him get up and gave him a hand. How careless of me. He took my hand and dragged me down with him and I fell near him. When will I learn I need to be cautious around him? He laughed and I began laughing with him on, while still laying on the yellow leaves. He then stood up and helped me and we returned to the Three Broomsticks, where everyone else was already outside waiting for us.

"Took you long enough," said Angelina.

"I must say I'm impressed Y/n and thank you for not spiking my drink too, I'll remember that," said George.

...Do you, princess? /Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now