She patted byeong-mins back making his face turn slightly red "don't be so hard on him byeong-min, okay?" He nodded his "okay yoo-jung" she nodded and left to go get herself a cup of coffee he then turned to me glaring at me snickering before annoyingly typing back on his computer

Okay did I do something to offend him that I somehow don't remember or does he just straight up not like me I mean it's good that he's just showing it and not pretending to like me infront of my face but still it can get pretty annoying

With those thoughts I got right back to work I was almost finished when my name was called I turned around to see Jae-ho "you're beautiful girlfriend is here" I glared at him but he just kept talking yoo-jung smiled at ji-eun "wow you really are beautiful" ji-eun blushed shaking her head "nonsense you're more beautiful you could be a model"

Byeong-min agreed with ji-eun word's which made me roll my eyes not that she wasn't beautiful but his poorly attemp to try and get yoo-jungs attention was pathetic I mean I just got here and she seems to want all of my attention it wasn't really hard so I don't see why he was struggling

Either way I was getting tired of the small talk and grabbed ji-euns hand "come on let's go talk outside" she looked back and waved at everyone once we were out of earshot I began talking "what are you doing here? And why didn't you answer my text message?" I pouted crossing my arm's

She looked up at me I could see a glint of something in her eye's but I couldn't tell what it was "I wanted to surprise you since I was to busy to text you back and I felt bad" she smiled going in for a hug I sighed hugging her back but it didn't feel the same something was off

I shook it off as still being sulky so I ignored it "so how do you like it here?" She happily asked breaking the hug I smiled back softly "it's cool um the tenants are a bit weird and give off creepy vibes but other than that it's okay" she looked up at me confused "weird?" I hummed

"Like if you were to meet them you'll know exactly what I'm talking about but you wont know because you won't be going in there ever" she frowned furrowing her eyebrows "what? Why not?" I sighed patting her head softly

She grumbled slapping my hand away "because only guy's live there and I don't want you getting in any trouble especially with Nam-bok" she rolled her eye's "is nam-bok a tenant there?" I hummed "but he's a bit weird no not a bit a lot" she frowned crossing her arm's

"Listen everyone has their own flaws it's not nice to be hung up on them, okay? Try to be less sensitive to those types of thing's" I slightly frowned going to answer when her phone rang she picked it up giving me a apologetic stare before hanging up

"Sorry work is calling I have to get going" she quickly kissed me and made her way out I sighed not liking the way our conversation ended I frustratingly sighed wanting to kick or punch something but I took a deep breath counting down from twenty I smiled opening my eye's again "come on jong-woo you got this" I mumbled going back into work


Work ended pretty fast with me deep in my thoughts I couldn't even finish my work guess I had to stay overnight everyone said goodnight except for byeong-min which didn't come as any shock

It was getting really late but I managed to finish my work with only drinking three cups of coffee which is a record for least cup of coffee drinked staying over night by me I usually prefer tea but they didn't have any unfortunately

As I made my way back to the residence I decided to buy some snacks so I didn't have to deal with what I had to yesterday as I entered the building it was oddly quiet making me more uneasy

I quickly made it to my room fortunately not running into anyone I sat down on the chair opening my laptop and going to my draft to continue the story I was writing I haven't published anything with how busy life was but I'm trying

I tapped my finger on the keyboard getting writer's block I groaned not knowing what to write I was going to close my laptop when I heard a thump above me I furrowed my eye's in confusion I thought Ms um said no girl's were living here

From what I gathered from the tenants and Ms um was that the fourth floor caught on fire and that's why only guy's live here which explains the girl situation but why am I hearing noises on the fourth floor

I was going to go check but then slowly but surely my writers block was going away I immediately starting typing putting down whatever I deemed important to the story

"The pianist known worldwide was staring crazily at the man he was choking loving the way the life and warmth slowly slipped from the mans neck making his fingertips and hand feel cold he frowned throwing the lifeless body on the ground he always did hate how cold his fingers would feel after his victims would die it was like touching the keys of his piano"

I happily typed away my mind imagining the pianist choking his victim I yawned tears invading the corner of my eye's I left saving the draft before closing my computer

I never did like working when I was tired it made me make alot more mistakes than I usually do which isn't that much to begin with once again I heard a thump this time it was coming from the room next to mine it was the wall that my bed wasn't touching

I looked over at the wall trying to see or hear if anything was going to happen I was not about to lie and say I wasn't scared but these sounds I hear at night really make me scared it was like this place was more alive at night

I shivered at my thoughts closing my eye's trying to go to sleep good thing nothing else happened or I would've been awake the whole night sooner or later I was asleep

//A/N I know these chapters have been slow like there's barely anything happening bUt our man moon-jo will be appearing in the next chapter so be ready for the goodness😌👏 also do any of you by chance know what room the pervert and the twins live in bcs I was doing some research but it made me even more confused bcs one was saying the twins were 306 and 307 and the pervert was 313 but the other one was saying the pervert was 306 and the stuttering twin was 313 but what about the other twin??? Anyways if you know plz tell me//

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