chapter 1

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atsumu's pov:

"TSUMUUU!! HURRY UP!" oh my, i could hear samu's voice all the way here. "YEAH, YEAH IM JUST FINISHING UP." why wont the zipper close? ugh whatever this would work. as i come down with a half-closed bag "why is the your bag half-closed." my baby twin said to me, "state the obvious samu. i couldn't close it." 

"atsumu, you haven't packed your vitamins and the bag is overpacked?"

"mom, it was hard okay. i tried to fit all the clothes you told me to bring!" i said "give it to me." samu said "here" i said giving him the bag "you packed your nintendo??" he asked "well yeah, it might be a boring ride." "and another nintendo?!! isn't one enough?"

"sigh, osamu give me the other nintendo." curse you samu! you could've just stayed quiet. "why is there a box here?" what a box? "huh? a box?" "yeah a box." he said 

"give it to me." i dont remember packing a box there? oh a goodluck charm. thank you for whoever gave me this, i hope you get accepted too. "pack it there samu!" someone gave me a goodluck charm! maybe i'm being a little too excited 

"what are you excited over a box?"

 "well dear baby brother-" 

"that's disgusting, don't call me that."

"i can't call you that? wow, im hurt."

"im glad."


"atsumu." mother? no, father said to me "hmm?" i don't wanna speak to him right now. "you're the older twin, don't be so dependent to your brother." yeah.., i am the older brother, me and samu would seperate soon. "don't worry father, im not that dependent, like you said i am the older twin."

i could literally feel samu stare at me, "no need to worry baby bro, im gonna be fine~" i said as i put my hand in his shoulder. "don't call me that, and get your hand off me, plus your a big baby." so he does care about me! "whatever you say~"

now my bag, oh its fix already? "mom fixed it for you, if your wondering but im sure you are." huh?! is he a mind reader or something?! that's weird.

"atsumu! osamu! the bus is here!" mom screamed outside. "just a second! bye father." then turned around. "tsumu aren't you a bit mean to dad?" samu, you really don't know anything... "anyways, are ready to go?" i said changing the subject. "yep! look mom's there." 

"im gonna miss my baby boys so much!"

"okay mom! bye stay safe with father!"

"yeah! always eat well!"

"my babies are so good." she said, wait- is that a fucking tear?! oh my god. "anyways mom, we'll be going." 

"okay, goodbye!" oh my god, this is embarassing. when i got to the bus, looks like many people are already here, where is lev? he said he got accepted too? "ATSUMU-SAN!!!!" oh, found him. back window seat, is that tora? 

i got to the back part of the bus while lev started talking about there are famous people, who are joining like samu. hold on- where is samu? oh near his friend group, guess they got accepted.

"say atsumu-san, if you were to get famous, what would you do?" hmm, interesting question lev, you even got tora to look at us other than the tanaka boy? "yeah, waht would you do?" tora asked me, confused too, yeah what would i do?

"i'll probably make a agency." 

"why? you can just make a mansion on the hills!" 

"yeah, lev is right! you're weird atsumu."

"im not actually weird since being famous and having an agency, it will make my agency bloom and would ve more famous worldwide." well that was something, to be honest i dont even want to be famous, i would rather work as a barista, living a normal life.

then the bus suddenly stop. "OOOOH LEV WE'RE GONNA BE FAMOUSS!!" oh my god. this is so embarrasing... "YEAH TORA-SAN!!" lev, no! i'll just go with samu. "SAMU!!" ow, my throat hurts, did i even eat my vitamins. "tsumu?" "do you have my vitamins?" "yeah they're in the bag mom packed for your stuffed animals."

"kay! thanks! i'll text you later!"


this draft is from like 2020 so might as well publish it, ill probably heavily edit it again, and restart the whole story but it will still have the same plot! until we meet again, ciao!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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