Tale As Old As Time

Start from the beginning

"Tale as old as time. Tune as old as song." She jumped under the table as I sang and I lunged forward and put my hand on her knee. "What the fuck?! Who the fuck?! I thought I was alone!" She grasped her head as she hit the bottom of the table and cowered as far back as she could. I put my hand up and leaned back so she could see my whole face. "Hey! I'm sorry! I didnt mean to scare you! I'm Jimmy! Jimmy Fallon...I work here." She scowled and leaned forward. "I know who you are. I watch the show and for not meaning to scare a girl you sure know how to. Sneaking in on me while I'm trying to calm down. Not knocking, not saying hello. Nothing." I nodded and scooted back. "I know. I'm sorry. I wasnt thinking." I watched her as she watched me. She's seemed to relax at least a little bit. I held my hand up and gave a little wave. "Hello." She let her arms relax off her legs and gave me a feeble wave. "Hi." She said, unenthused. I held my hand out towards hers. "Jimmy." She stared at my hand for a moment before reluctantly reaching forward and shaking mine. "Kinsley. Kinsley.." I shook hers and smiled. "McConall. I know, you just did a movie with my pal, Drew." Kinsley closed her eyes and nodded. "Right." I stood up and backed away from the table. I held my hand out. "Would you like to come out now or are you still scared?" I felt Kinsley's hand in mine and she ducked her head out and under from the table and slowly came out.

Kinsley stood up and dusted herself off. She was about six inches shorter than me. Blonde hair. She looked up at me and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Thanks." I gave a little chuckle and took a dust bunny off her hair. "No problem." Kinsley watched my hand as I shook the dust bunny off of it. She ran her finger through her hair and scoffed. "So, uh, how much of the medley did you hear?" She asked as she shook the rest of the dust out. I pulled the chair up behind me and sat in it. "I only heard Beauty and the Beast. There was a medley? Now, Im a little upset that I didnt come investigate the noise earlier." Kinsley flipped her hair back up and shot me a look. Green eyes. Almost emerald actually. "I'm a little upset I just admitted it was a medley." I chuckled a little bit as she put her hands in her pocket. She had an oversized plaid shirt on, the torn jeans, the Chucks. She looked like she just stepped out of a Nirvana video. Or at the very least raided Carvey's old dressing room and found the Garth Algar outfit. She cleared her throat and I looked up at her. I pointed to the table and then to her.

"If its not prying too much, why were you under the table singing.. apparently a medley of Disney songs?" She looked under the table and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair again. "You'll just think its stupid." I put my fingers on my lips and crossed my leg over my other knee. "Try me, Kinsley McConall. I've heard a many of crazy things in this dressing room. I'm sure yours will not top that list." Kinsley sighed and flipped her hair back again. She must do that when she's flustered. Endearing little quality. She looked around the room and I realized I was in the only seat. "Oh! I'm sorry, you probably want to sit down. Here, take the chair." I said as I stood up and gestured toward it. Kinsley waved me off and began to pace very quickly back and forth in front of me as she groaned. "Orrr Not..." I said softly as I stood to the side of the chair and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Its just that, I just got done doing this movie. This big.. big.. movie. And its a good movie. Its a great movie and its my first leading role and... and I did it. And it opens next week and its my first premiere and I have NO idea what I am doing. What do I need to wear? Do I bring a date? Do I not bring a date? I mean, do I call Kyle? But I havent seen Kyle in like five years since I left him at the airport and then just eventually the calls stopped coming. And now, I'm on Saturday Night Live and Ben Folds is the artist and I love Ben Folds but I'm not a comedian. I have no idea how to be funny and its LIVE for Christs sake so if I mess up the ENTIRE world is going to know it and I'm just this girl from Michigan who has no idea.."

I felt my eyes bug out as I tried to concentrate on every word she was saying but she was talking a mile a minute and pacing back and forth and quite honestly I was too hungover to try and comprehend what was happening. I reached forward and stopped her mid pace. She looked up at me and I gave a slight laugh. "First of all," I started. "Breathe." Kinsley nodded and took a deep breath. "Second, sit." I guided her to the chair and she started to protest. "I dont have to sit, I'm fine." I nodded and squeezed her shoulders a little bit. "You're pacing and you're talking crazy fast and if I'm being perfectly honest, I am way too hungover to keep up with it, so really this is for my benefit as well." She nodded again and mumbled an apology. I scooted over and sat on the dressing room table and reached for the arm of the chair, spinning her around so she faced me.

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