My L'manberg

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Wilbur had always been very protective over everyone in L'manberg.

If I didn't have anxiety, Will wouldn't let me take as many walks as I do.

Today had been a pretty rough day for everyone in L'manberg. 

Tommy and Tubbo both went to Tommy's house in the Dream SMP, or what everyone else referred to it to, "the embassy" to see if he had any extra supplies to prepare for the war, that Eret said he had overheard them speaking about. 

They had run into George... dressed in full netherite armor.

Tommy tried to convince Tubbo to not tell the rest of us as to not stress us out. But as soon as Wilbur laid his eyes on Tubbo, he knew something had happened during their trip, Tubbo easily broke and told him everything. 

Everyone broke into a state of panic as all that we had were scraps of diamond and iron armor. A lot of arguing happened, which leads me here.

Taking another evening stroll during the, once again, nightly rain to try to calm myself down. Only listening to the slow pitter-patter of the raindrops hitting the wood below my feet.

 Wilbur always advises me to take my walks in the Holy Land where I can't get hurt. So I have, over and over and over.

 I'm so fucking used to the Holy Land, at this point I know the number of ants each time I visit, but I respect and trust Wilbur, so I take a left turn towards the Holy Land, again.

 I actually have had several encounters with members of the Dream Team before on the Holy Land. It's usually Sapnap that I see, and even though violence and crime is banned on the Holy Land, I still take my axe with me. I would rather be imprisoned than dead, as anyone would.

This time was different, I was alone, but I didn't feel alone. My intuition has always been very strong and 80% of the time, right. Niki, Fundy and I had spoken about it prior to which they called me a clairvoyant.

And right now, I had a gut feeling I wasn't alone.

 I unsheathed my axe and walked behind a tree, sheltered from the rain, looking around me. It was late at night, and dark, but I swore I saw some unnatural movement behind a different tree outside of the Holy Land.

I knew it was George as soon as I saw the reflection of the moon in his white glasses. I could easily beat him in a fight, but I doubt he's alone. 

With my mind racing with thoughts on my next move, I heard a whisper like shout saying "Maybe next time she's here?" followed by a British sounding "Be quiet."


I tried to neglect the thought of them talking about me, but who else could they be talking about. I looked back at the tree, nothing. I sat there for what felt like hours, my anxiety only rising by the second.

I finally came to the hypothesis that they had left, I tried to relax for a couple of minutes before basically sprinting back to L'manberg.

Opening the gates on my own, everyone had gone to bed. Once back in my house, and room, I laid on the bed. My mind still raced with possibilities of what the context of their conversation was.

 Finally, I drifted to sleep.


I woke to Tubbo knocking viciously on my bedroom door. I got out of bed quickly, standing up too quickly and immediately feeling light-headed but still rushing to my door.

I opened it to see Tubbo with a bright yellow button up on, an equally bright grin on his face. "NYM!" he shouted.

 "TUBBO!" I replied trying to match his high energy, my voice still raspy from sleep. 

"Tommy and I are going fishing, do you want to come?" he questioned, signaling behind him.

I glanced over his shoulder to see Tommy sat on my couch already looking peeved. I raised my eyebrows and looked back to Tubbo.

 "Pleaseeee" he pleaded in a high, whiny voice.

 "Fine, give me a minute to get ready," I said, closing my door before his response.


I walked slightly behind Tubbo and Tommy after half an hour of Tommy bargaining with Wilbur to let us take a day trip.

Wilbur had finally agreed on the terms that we all take weapons, shields and are back before dark, since we weren't going to be on the Holy Land. Along with Tommy having to clean up L'manberg for a week.

Now I was just listening to a pissed off Tommy argue with Tubbo about what the best and worst type of fish there are. I tuned them out until we arrived at the lake Tommy was leading us to.

"Here we are boys" he looked at me, " and Nym".

Tubbo laughed and I merely rolled my eyes, clearing a spot for me to sit on the grass near the water.

We only had two working rods, so I decided to just watch over them while they fished. I brought a pencil and my sketchbook, and just decided to sketch random things I saw while I listened to them talk.

After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence, Tubbo spoke up.

"How was your walk last night?" Tommy looked at me too.

"It was nice," I said keeping my blank gaze focused on my sketch.

Tommy rose his eyebrows, followed by Tubbo. "Really?" Tommy asked sarcastically.

I tilted my head in annoyance. "He's right Nym, you stayed out really late, what happened?" Tubbo asked worriedly. 

He always got to me.

"It's really not a big deal, but I ran into George and I think Sapnap was there too. But I was in the Holy Lands so it's fine" I said hesitantly.

"What did they say?" Tubbo asked, a tinge of fear in his voice.

"They didn't see me, and I didn't hear anything either." I thought it'd be better to lie, so I did.

Tommy hesitated and squinted his eyes in thought for a second before looking back to the lake. "I GOT ONE" he shouted, Tubbo turning his head too. Their focus quickly changed back to their fishing lines.


so? how was that
longer chaps to come i promise 

this chapter was mainly just some build up so you can get a feel for her relationships and such.

anyways stay safe and healthy and keep on simping for the man dream


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