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"I'm going out- oh. Haha, forgot I lived alone for a second there." The girl walked out the door to feel the breeze on her face. A house near the ocean gets a lot of breeze, it was nice.

Y/N L/N didn't know where her parents were and frankly she didn't really care.


17 years ago she was born on (Birthday) to a young couple, unmarried, but just as loving. She was a cute little baby, but if she had been born any later than she was, she would've most certainly died. She was already being choked by the umbilical cord weakening her whole body and voice. When she came out she didn't cry, and even when they unraveled the cord from her throat she was still silent, didn't even move a muscle. What could've possibly been wrong?

"IS SHE DEAD??" Her mother screamed and cried. To this a baby would've reacted with fear or tears or screaming as well. But this baby...





Even laughed a bit, this funny reaction was a relief to the doctors. She was alive and breathing and what could possibly be better than that.

The couple took their child home a few days later but something went 






Who would have thought that that laughing baby would have so many 










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