"Good morning baby :)"

I waited for a text back but I didn't get one I frowned slightly I guess she was busy I put my phone back in my pocket I looked up to see the company my senior made to be honest I don't think I was looking forward to working with him he always made me look bad he never once shut up always trying to make himself look good especially infront of my girlfriend

I grumbled in annoyance opening the door and making my way to the fourth floor upon entering I was met with my boss, shin jae-ho he was loudly talking with his workers seeming to boost about himself I walked in he stopped talking looking at me with a smile

"Jong-woo how are you? Glad to see you came you know we went to the same school before and he would always be late to class I'm surprised he even made it on time and he was usually so quiet unlike me I was more on the popular side" he chuckled putting his arm around my shoulders I gritted my teeth trying to count down from twenty

But the more he talked the more I was losing control I ignored him hoping it would work and it did I could feel myself calm down a girl looked at me smiling "aw he looks so adorable" my boss tightened his grip on me I internally rolled my eye's at him "yeah doesn't he? He as a girlfriend though her name is ji-eun doesn't that sound beautiful honestly I'm surprised she chose him"

"Okay that's enough" I said getting out of his grip he looked surprised before gathering himself again "wow you changed he was never this bold but he did have anger issues" I folded my hands into fists just wanting to shut him up but he was my only source of income so I swallowed my anger and smiled "where do I sit?"

The girl looked over at me pointing to a desk next to this dude who was glaring at me I looked at him confused wondering what I did to him I shrugged going to sit down jae-ho stopped talking and went to his desk to do work

I sat there bored looking at the wall I sigh wondering what to do I looked around seeing everyone doing work while I boredly looked up swinging around in my chair I stopped and sighed again pouting slightly before I had enough of this I turned my head to see my desk mate working

"Is there anything I could do?" I asked my voice and eye's hopeful he glared at me before returning his gaze back onto the computer "you could make me a coffee" I smiled instantly standing up to make his coffee I was glad to be atleast doing something

Once his coffee was finished I gave it to him "here you go" I said handing it to him with a smile he looked at me and then the cup of coffee before grabbing it he looked inside of it suspiciously looking at me "did you spit in it?" I frowned shaking my head no but now that he mentioned it I should've he didn't even say thank you

He placed it on his desk I sat down from the corner of my eye I could see him drinking it I huffed why ask me if I spit in it if he's going to drink it anyway

Sooner or later it was time to go home but before I could jae-ho stopped us all "to celebrate me getting a new worker and jong-woo getting a job let's go out to eat" he excitedly said the girl agreed making my desk mate instantly agree to I thought it was weird but I shrugged it off "what about you jong-woo?"

I snapped out of my thoughts looking around to see people staring at me I debated and decided against it since I still had to clean my room and covers "no thank you I still have thing's to do" I declined politely jae-ho smiled "that's okay guess you didn't get everything finished when you moved in"

The girl turned towards us "please come it'll be super fun and it won't be so lonely with you there" she said clinging around my arm I stood there uncomfortably I softly took her hands off my arm I chuckled nervously "I- okay then" the group clapped excitedly and made their way to a restaurant

We all sat down at a large table talking loudly drinking beer although I wasn't the one drinking it looked like fun I just satisfied myself with eating the bowl full of fries I took a bite of my fry boredly looking out the window seeing many people walk by I made a game to see how many people walked around with white and black it was an equal game since those two colors were so popular and easy to match with

I was brought out of my game when I realized the table was getting quiet I saw them drunkenly lay their heads on the table except for my desk mate who was staring at the girl next to me I watched as he tried talking to her and repeatedly fail I ate my fries amused by the scene

I was getting pretty tired so I decided to leave early they all decided to go home too I made my way back to the residence as I was making my way to my room I bumped into a tenant I had never seen before not to be mean but he looked like your daily pervert

"Ah I'm sorry" I said bowing slightly he just stood there looking me up and down slightly licking his lips I shivered in disgust he smirked making his way to the room with the open door ah so he lives in room 306 I guess I was right about him being your local pervert

I shivered again going to my room unlocking it I grabbed the covers and the pillow cover leaning them on my arm neatly folded I went into the washroom putting the covers in there and starting the process to clean them

While that was washing I went into the kitchen trying to find a rag to clean the dust off as I was looking for them a smooth voice startled me "what are you looking for?" I looked up to see a skinny man smiling he looked young I smiled back politely "I'm trying to find a rag but I can't seem to find one" I pouted softly starting my search again

"Ah, you live in room 303 right?" I hummed agreeing with his word's "what room do you live in?" I asked just for keeping the conversation going so it wouldn't turn awkward "I live in room 302 my name is Gi-hyeok" I nod my head huffing in annoyance when I can't find one I stand up and turned around to see him smiling while handing me a rag

I looked at his hands in awe "woah where did you find them?" I asked amazed I searched the whole kitchen but couldn't even find it and yet here he was handing me one not even breaking a sweat "Mrs um keeps them there" he points to a small pink pox adorned with flowers I smiled giving him a smile of appreciation before taking the rag

"Ah do you happen to know where the bottle of cleaner is at?" Before I could even blink he hands it to me I smiled knowingly deciding not to ask "thank you" and with that I left I cleaned the desk and board above my desk watching as the dust stuck to the rag

Once I finished I smiled satisfied liking the way it looked less dirty I remembered that before I left home that I bought a freshener I put it on the desk and I went to the kitchen putting up the rag and bottle

I hurriedly made my way to the washroom seeing my covers in the dryer machine I confusingly stared at it remembering that I had put it to wash maybe it was Mrs um who put them to dry god I hope so

Either way the dryer machine stopped spinning I opened the lid I grabbed them smelling them to see that they smelled really good "hm, I wonder what Mrs um used to make it smell this good?" I mumbled in thought

On my way back I ran into another tenant he looked like the stuttering tenant except this one was slightly different "boss" I stared at him confused "huh?" The tenant started speaking again "they smell like boss" I stood there not knowing what he meant by boss "you mean Mrs um?" He looked at me before turning around and leaving "what the hell" I mumbled

I sigh smelling the covers being oddly relaxed I opened the door neatly putting the cover on my bed and putting the pillow cover on the pillow I grabbed the air freshener and sprayed it all around my room loving how it smelled

I look out the tiny window opening it slightly to let the cold air in I turned off the lights making sure the door was locked and with that I went to sleep dreading tomorrow and work

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