Chapter 2: Safe for now

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Victoria's POV
"Huh," I jolted awake. A man was standing in front of me. "Who are you," I suddenly asked him. "Jase and your Victoria from what I heard," Jake replied. "Yes!Correct," I said back. I hopped up on my feet. "Where are you going," he asked me. "Back to the school to save my family," I answered. He walked over in front of me blocking the door. "Get out of my way," I yelled at him! He put his finger in my mouth. "Get your nasty fucking hands off me," I yelled at him viciously!!! I flung him out of the way. "The school is covered with Lycans. The clan has taken over the school. None of us can get in. We're under attack," he said trying harder and harder to not let me go. "Dammit Jase! Lets go! I need you with me," I yelled at him. Me and Jase ran through the door. We got inna car an drove off to the school. "How far from here," I asked him. He pointed to the right. I stepped on it driving right into the school. We hopped out and immediately Lycans came crawling out of everything. I heard a yell then turned around to see a gun flying. I jumped up in the air flipping. I grabbed the gun and blew the Lycans brains out. "Bitch," I yelled landing back on the ground. "There are hundreds of them here," Jase yelled at me. "I know," I yelled back! I heard a roar. I didn't even flinched when I grabbed my grenade and flung it at him. A fireball blew out with force almost knocking me down. Howling was heard as two,ten,to even twenty Lycans started joining in. "Run!Get to the gym," I yelled at Jase. He jumped off the truck and ran to the gym. I ran to the nearest gun room and loaded up. A bomb went off in the gym sending a shock wave throughout the school. "Andru!" I screamed running to the gym.

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