Faisal: Did you understand now?

Jannat: ya.. yeah i got


Faisal: Did you understand now?

this brought me out of my thought.

What the hell, where was i lost.

Jannat: ya..yeah i got

i felt my whole face warmed up

i took my books and bag and walked to Shifa di's room and layed down on the bed confused at my thoughts. i closed my eyes and again...his face came into my view.

What the hell is happening to me.

i guess this trigonometry has made my mind crazy. 

Enough of studying...

i closed my books and went down and sat at the far end from the Faisal. 

Shifa di started talking to me....


Jannat started talking to Shifa  which distracted Jannat's mind from Faisal

After sometimes Murad(Faisal's dad) came and was happy seeing Jannat and Ayaan to which 

Faisal: haan haan you never get this happy seeing us and now you are so happy for this minime?

Jannat: i could smell something is burning is it that Khamba

Pointing at Faisal to which all laughed.

As soon as Murad came getting freshened up all sat for the dinner and it was all Jannat's favorite. they ate with lots talk and happiness as only during dinner all the family members sit to together.

 After dinner, Jannat and Shifa went to Shifa's room whereas Faisal and Ayaan walked to Faisal's room.

_________NEXT DAY

As usual all got ready for their school all walked to the school with lots of talk and teasings between friends.

the day as well spent the same way at the 8th period Jannat's class had PT period and all walked to the ground

boys toolk bat and balls to play cricket as usual and girls started thinking what to play as they dont usually play normal sports but lagori, catch and catch, tieing the clothes around the eyes and catching, hide and seek...

Anuskha: guys lets play hide and seek its been a long time we played.

all accepted on playing and they decided the rules and times etc.

one of the girl accepted on being the seeker(the one who searches) and all ran to hide. The limit was students can hide anywhere on the ground, they should not go inside the buildings or outside the gate as well.

So the seeker started searching one by one and the game continued.

On the 3rd round Jannat was the seeker and others all hid somewhere and on the count of 100 Jannat started searching them. She always removes her shoes while on the ground and same way she had done now as well.

She searched 3 girls and left were 6, she walked behind the chemistry lab where the girls hide and suddenly she put her legs on the glass piece which were there, usually when students break their lab instruments they throw out through the window so that teacher don't find.




I looked down to see blood gushing out of my right foot.

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