The Synacky Race

156 3 0

Synyster Gates

Once again we were on tour. We had been stopping so they could refuel the bus when we see two dudes racing each other on Ducatis.

"Hey looks like the bike you just bought," said Zacky pointing towards the black one. Then he mumbled, "Bet I could beat you in a race."

"Is that a beat," I asked. "Alright. If you lose you have to get the crap tickled out of you."

"If you lose you have to...," he thought about it some, "You have to drink a bottle of glue."

"Now that is just cruel."

"So is having the crap tickled out of you," argued Zacky.

A few hours later...

I mounted myself upon the bike making sure to give Zacky a devilish grin. With a press of the gas we were off racing among the highway. The wind brushed heavily among my face the faster the motorcycle went. It flapped my shirt around in the breeze feeling as though it would rip it off of my back.

As I dodge around a minivan a woman rolled down her window yelling at me angrily. There were the sounds of a few car horns and of the motor of the bike. It smelled of only its gas, the worse part of driving a motorcycle.

Glancing back from my lane I see Zacky behind me but he is getting faster. He waves to me and I glance back to where I was driving to see a truck stop abruptly in hope of taking an exit. I was about to crash. With full force I press on the brakes swerving about 90 degrees left. My bike comes to a stop an inch away from the truck.

Zacky is far down the highway now thus I cuss. I start the bike heading after Zacky. The wind wipes around again. Don't get distracted again Brian. You're almost to him.

The finish is close now, passed the exit. Zacky takes a right towards the exit and I now I'm done for. I give everything I got and take the turn. I zoom pass Zacky who probably had a smug face under that helmet of his. Making it to the plaza Matt, Jimmy, and Johnny jump up and down. I get up off of my Ducati. Zacky looks sick for he knows what is next.

At the tour bus...

"Oh please let it end," said Zacky taking off his socks.

Smiling, I relentlessly tickle the crap out of Zacky's feet. He falls to the floor in spasms.

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