Hello Random People, Sure, You Can Just Barge Into My Safehouse

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So, my friend asked me what (Y/s/n) meant so I am now going to make that boring thing called a key.

(Y/n)= Your name

(Y/s/n)= Your superhero name (See Sophie, I told you it was nerdy)

(e/c)= Eye color

(h/c)= Hair color

(h/l)= Hair length

If there are any more, I'll put them at the beginning of the chapter.

Jason and Dick had gone to go find the last performer in the circus to see if he was still alive or if the murderer had gotten to him, too. That meant I was left with the people who I had nicknamed "The Neons" because of their hair.

We ignored each other until it was like, 1AM.

"Wait," the green one said when he noticed my case propped against the window. "There are three Robins?"

"No, that's mine."

"So you're Robin too?"

I hit the back of his head. "No dumbass. I'm (Y/s/n)."

He put his hands behind his head and then extended them as he exclaimed; "Oh shit! Rachel, we met Robin, and (Y/s/n) on the same day."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Wait, can't you like, turn into a tiger or some shit? Why are you so excited to see me and Jason. We're assholes."

The girl with purple hair, Rachel, laughed a bit. "Don't mind Gar. He's been reading about you guys for ages. You should see the place where he used to live. Covered in '80s and superhero stuff. He's pretty obsessed."

"Noted." I smirked. "I'm (Y/n) Todd, your Rachel...?"


Gar looked up from Jason's case, which he had been messing with, trying to get it open. He noticed Rachel and I staring at him. "Oh, right, I'm Gar Logan. But, uh, you probably know that. I mean, how do you know that I turn into a tiger and not my name, right?"

I actually didn't know his name, but I just kind of nodded.

"Wait a second, where's the pink one?" I asked, getting up out of my chair and looking around for the older woman.

"Kory? She went to the bathroom I think." Gar said. "Fuck!" I shouted and sprinted to the bathroom.

There was a bloody scalpel on the ground, and the woman with pink hair that Gar had called "Kory" was talking to the guy whose body we had dragged here.

Kory turned and looked at me. "Hello." she said nonchalantly and turned back to the now-conscious guy in the shower.

"I'm not talking to anyone, but Rachel." he said.

At that exact moment...

My phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw Jason's name. I swiped to answer the call and left, going to the kitchen and waving off Gar and Rachel when they tried to talk to me.

"Hey bro. What's the ETA? The bad guy's up and Kory went in there."

"Uh yeah, about that. I'm going back to Gotham. Don't come home right now."

"What? Why?"

"Dick will explain. Talk to him, please. I kind of pissed him off."

I sighed. Of course he did. "Okay. See you in a few weeks then."

"Bye sis."

"Bye. And Jason?"


"Don't ruin the carpets with your bike. Alfred has enough work to do. Love you. Bye."

I smirked, and I knew Jason was doing the same.


He hung up.

"Who was that?" Rachel asked. "Jason," I answer and put my phone on the island. "He's not coming back. Decided to go back to Gotham I guess. Dick will be back in a few hours."

Timeskip to a couple hours later brought to you by my being gay for Rachel

I let Dick in and he pulled me aside to the hallway leading to the bathroom.

"Did you know?" he demanded/asked. He must've noticed my confused expression. "That he attacks cops. Did you know?" he asked again.

I inhaled and muttered; "Fuck that boy in all his endeavors."

I raised my voice slightly so that Dick could hear me better. "He did it once in front of me. I had a feeling that he was still doing it but I didn't think he'd do it here. I mean, you were right there."

"So you're saying you would've let him if I wasn't there?"

"No! What do you think I am? An arrogant bitch who doesn't care? Because I think you have me confused with some other people. Yeah, my brother's an ass. I know that. He knows it. He knows I know it. Bruce knows it. But that doesn't mean that we aren't trying. If you knew anything about us you'd realize that we're not that bad considering our situation. Don't even think for a second that you're the only one who's had it bad. Our dad got himself killed. We watched our mother waste away. Jason watched me get shot in the neck and be trapped in a burning car. So fuck off, okay?" I was breathing heavily by now.

I walked to the living room to where Rachel and Gar were frantically trying to turn the TV back on. No doubt they heard the whole thing.

𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 ~~~ Rachel Roth x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now