She Just Wants To Be

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Present Day

'Ri, are you sure?' Dean asked as I shut my phone, his face etched with worry.

'Yeah, Dean, I'm sure. Dad's missing,' I said, burying my face in my hands. This was very bad, Dad had been gone way longer than normal. 'Dean, what are we gonna do?'

'I think it's time we go and get him.' I knew immediately that he wasn't referring to Dad. My heart sped up within my chest; I had no idea if I could do that.

'Dean… are you sure we have to?' I asked, I just couldn't face him. He had walked out without looking back and never contacted me again.

'Yeah Ri, it's time,' he confirmed and I lied down on the hood of Dean's black Impala as I pondered the consequences of this.

'Then what are we waiting for,' I sighed, sliding to the ground and turning to face Dean,' But I'm driving.'

He stammered for a moment the finally conceded, handing me the keys to his beloved car. I guess he realized it was the only way I was going willingly.

I got into the driver's side and revved the engine, grinning at the growl that came from within the Impala.

As Dean got into the car I pulled my old R.E.M. tape from the box Dean kept his cassettes in and inserted it into the stereo.

'R.E.M. Really?' Dean asked, getting into the car.

'There's nothing wrong with them!' I said defensively,' Besides, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. Remember,' I reminded him with a smirk. He gave a defeated sigh and leaned back in his seat.

'Let's just get this over with then,' he groaned. I gave another smile and pulled onto the road, beginning the journey to the boy who had shattered my heart.

It's not that she walked away

Her world got smaller

All the usual places

The same destinations

Only something's changed

'Can I drive yet?' Dean whined for the millionth time in the past hour. We had been on the road for about four hours and I was still blasting my R.E.M. CD and thanks to Dean's rules he couldn't do anything about it.

'Hell no Dean, I'm driving. It calms me down,' I replied, refusing to give in to the puppy dog eyes he was sending my way.

'Please,' he begged, 'I'll let you keep you music on.'

I sighed, rolling my eyes as the puppy dog eyes got even bigger. 'Fine,' I conceded, pulling off to the side of the road. As I slid across the seat he jumped over me into the driver's seat.

'Thanks Ri,' he said.

'Yeah, yeah,' I muttered as I leaned over to rest my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. 'Wake me up when it's over?'

'Will it ever be over?' Dean asked quietly as he stepped on the gas. I shut my eyes hoping the dreams wouldn't involve Sam.

I jumped awake when I heard the boot of the Impala slam shut. I sat up, noticing Dean had laid me down on the backseat of his car. I turned my head to look out the back window and saw Dean standing with his back to me and next to him was Sam, the other Winchester brother.

Looking at him now, seeing how much he had grown up in the two years we had spent apart, broke my heart all over again.

'Fine, just let me get some stuff, and I have to be back first thing Monday,' I heard him say.

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