Start from the beginning

Sonakshi steadily ignored him.

Su- Where are you going Karan??

K- To the next table!!

Su- Karan come on yarr why are we fighti..

Jenifer- Hey Karan!! There you are!!

K- Hey hot stuff (winks)

Sonakshi looked at them disgustingly but didn't say anything.

J- Karan I searched for you all the places but you're here??

K- Sorry yaar!! I was just here with my friend Sonakshi she'll be joining us too!!(in a rude tone)Sona are you coming or not??

S- (in a stern vice) No Karan you go with Jeni!! I'll be here with Rohit!!

She said this with her hands still on Rohit's.

Karan's blood boiled but he controlled himself and said

K-(gritting his teeth) Fine you're wish!! Come on Jen!

And he got up placing his Jennifer's waist while she did the same. And Sonakshi just watched them go by.

Ra-(whispers to Sumit) I had a doubt from day one and now it's clear!!

Su- What??

Ra- That he's a jerk!!

Su- Absolutely sweetheart!!

Ra- Guys come on! Let's order something na!!

Su- Yeah!! Even I'm hungry!!

While Sumit and Raima were chatting, Rohit and Sonakshi yet again sat in silence.

In girls hostel

Sonakshi was in deep thoughts and Raima saw her.

Ra- Sona??

No response.

Ra-(shaking her shoulders) Sonaaaa!!!

Sonakshi jerked.

S- Uh??uh?? What... what happened??

Ra- That's something I'm supposed to ask!! What happened??

S- What??

Ra- Sona!! Something is bothering you tell me na??

Sonakshi sighed and started to talk.

S- You know Raima, you remember what happened during the first day right??

Raima nodded her head.

S- The first person I ever saw was Rohit..but we fought with each other and other than you I guess Karan was the only with whom I was comfortable as a friend...after that Sumit...even Rohit is my friend but not close as Karan was to me!!

Ra- Sona are you

S- Listen to me first!!

Raima made a face but kept quiet.

S- You know during the initial days..Karan was behaving so good to me...and I was very happy that I had a friend like him...and you know as days passed by I felt like I didn't see him the same way when I saw him the first day..I might've had a crush on him...bu

Raima made her eyes bigger and was about to say something,

Ra- Even after I..

S- Shhh!! Finger on your lips!!

Ra- But.?

S- What did I say?

Raima did the same with a childlike expression.

S- I said I might've had a crush on him and I was very happy whenever he was with me... earlier even when he was flirting with girls he always drew a line atleast in front of me I guess but recently... he crossed that limit with other girls in front of me and also (her voice cracked)....with me..

Ra- WHAT??

S- Raima don't panic!! Do you remember after the announcement that were having an assignment we went to the canteen and you know even you and Sumit were fighting Karan said he wanted to go to the library...with me...

Ra- Yes...

S- He didn't take me to the library... instead he took me the break room and no one was there..I was scared for a moment and then he started behaving differently..and suddenly he...(tears form in her eyes)

Ra- Sona did he??

S- He tried to come closer like... forcefully...but I pushed him and ran away from there...

Ra- Why didn't you tell me this earlier??

S- I was about to tell you, but just after I ran..he stopped me at the canteen entrance and apologized and......he said that....he thought that I felt the same way.... maybe I did until that very moment...when he once again started to come near me.....Rohit came at the right time and  called me saying that Mrs.Sheela wanted to see me..and I just went with him... you know even after talking with her I was about to come to the hostel and tell it to you...but then....I saw him and and that stupid Jeni...making out...all I wanted to do was just run away...I tried to forget the whole thing...that's why I didn't tell you...

Ra- Sona...

Raima went and hugged her.

S-(breaking the hug) You know even after all this he had the audacity to come and talk rude to me like that...And Rohit..

Ra- Rohit??

S- I don't know Raima when he said "I will ask and especially when it's Sona"...I just saw something in his eyes..and I didn't know what was that..

Ra- Maybe Rohit really cares about you than that jerk.. Sona aren't you going to report this...??

S- Maybe but he'll say I didn't even touch her... let's see...

Ra- But Sona..

S- No Raima I don't even want to talk about it, and again and if he tries to do anything in the future...he will have to deal with the real SONAKSHI RASTOGI!!

Ra- I think it's better if you report..

S- No yaar we're just newcomers..I don't want any bad name..

Ra- But Sona..

S- Raima please I'm feeling sleepy

Ra- Fine

And as Raima was about to get up... Sonakshi made her sit and placed her head on her lap.

Raima gently caressed her head and after making sure she was asleep she closed her eyes and dozed off herself...

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing good...So what do you think about the chapter. good or bad, liked it or not.... forgive me for any mistakes 🥺 please vote and comment I love reading them.

Until then,

Au revoir.....

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