Y/N Stark ~ Marvel AU

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This one I actually remember who it is, go check out @marvelxtomholland_fan on TikTok!

Y/N Stark was fed up of always being left out. She was as smart as her father, sometimes even smarter, but because she had been an accident, she had always been hidden from the other Avengers. But today, she was going to do something about it. Today was going to change everything. She walked up to her father.
"Dad, I'm heading to Starbucks, do want a coffee?"
Tony Stark looked down at her,
"Sure, you remember what my favourite is?"
"Yup, I'll be back soon!"
She smiled to herself. Today was the day, and the plan was going perfectly.

She walked back into headquarters, a large smile on her face. She went straight to the room where she knew the avengers were having a meeting. She knocked on the door and walked in, heading straight over to her father. Only one other person in the room seemed to take notice of her, and she of him. It was a boy that she had never seen before, but he was like a perfect mix of cute and hot - and the best part was that he seemed to be around her age, unlike most of the avengers.
"Here's your coffee."
Some of the Avengers' eyes flicked up, as they had assumed she worked for Tony, yet she hadn't addressed him as Mr Stark.
"Thanks you, Y/N. You can go now."
"Ok, see you later dad."

Every eye in the room turned to her, and then, after having ruled out the possibility of it being a mistake by the lack of embarrassment and the smirk on her lips, turned to Tony. He looked at her with such an annoyed expression that they thought he was about to rip her head off.
"Tony, you going to introduce us?" The woman that Y/N knew as Black Widow said.
"This is Y/N Stark, my daughter. Now leave." He said through his teeth.
"But you haven't told me their names!"
Tony let out a sigh.
"Fine. Introduce yourself, but make it quick, we're working."
"He doesn't look old enough for that to be legal, dad." She said, pointing at the boy who had caught her attention when she had walked in. Tony looked up, then said nothing. The boy stifled a chuckle.

She went around the room, and everyone introduced themselves. All of them were very nice people, especially Peter Parker, the name of the boy she had somehow developed a raging crush on within the last five minutes.
"So, were do you go to school?" He asked, a note of hope in his voice.
"I'm home-schooled." she said and shot a glare at her father.
"Hey, it's not my fault that I wanted you to be safe." He shot back with his hands in the air.

(1 year later) 

Y/N Stark was now the proud girlfriend of Peter Parker/Spider man, and a worker at Avengers headquarters. She helped out her father and Bruce with many things, being able to quickly calculate the probability of a plan of theirs going correctly. Her father had allowed her to go to the same school as Peter, even though it was far away.

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