Chapter 1

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Clovers Pov:

"Ms. Rain!" 

I heard my name  shouted out from back down the hall behind me. I turned around and quickly ducked my head my cheeks heating up from embarrassment when all the other students turned to look at me. They were probably confused on why the so called handsomest teacher at Review High was wanting to talk to me. Honestly I was just as confused.

"Sorry about that just had a favor to ask of you Ms. Rain" Coach Lowell chuckled. Mr. Lowell or more commonly called coach Lowell was the schools boxing teams coach. He was an older man who looked to be in his middle to late 40's. He had dark brownish almost black hair with a continually growing number of grey hairs. He had a wife and two really cute daughters he would sometimes bring to his games. These things didn't seem to stop many girls at school from flirting with him because his tall muscular frame and jawline were way more noticeable. I never could see why girls and even some boys liked him though since he was over double our age but to each their own. 

I glanced around the halls noticing most had left to go home for the day and the few left weren't paying attention before looking back at coach Lowell and responding. 

"What did you need from me Mr. Lowell?" I spoke honestly confused by him asking me and not one of the kids on his team of any other jock or cheerleader in this school. I may have been know as the person who would help others a lot but that was mostly in people studies and passing things on. Definitely not sports related. 

Most likely seeing the confused look on my face he quickly answered, "Don't worry its nothing sports related for the most part." His voice was laced with amusement and I could see it from his eyes he was trying hard not to laugh. 

"Oh um what did you need then?" I asked glancing down at my watch to make sure I wasn't late as it was already 4 and I need to be back at 4:30.

"Well If you didn't know this Saturday is the boys first boxing match of the season and I needed someone to help set up the snacks counter and I was thinking if your free you could help set it up today. Its ok if you can't I know it was really last minute, my niece was supposed to do it but she got the flu last night." I could tell he seemed stressed about it but I couldn't do it today I needed to get back before 4:30. 

I sighed saying, "I'm really sorry Mr. Lowell but I need to get home by 4:30," Sighing he started to open his mouth but I quickly cut him off and said, "But, I'm free after school tomorrow so I can do it then." I offered

Mr Lowell's frown was quickly replaced by a smile that most girls consider swoon worthy. "Thank you. Thank you so much Ms. Rain and please call me Coach Lowell, Mr. Lowell makes me feel old. Anyways I assume you know where the boxing gym is, if not its at 33 Carter Dr by Sam's Diner and the door should be unlocked and the set up area is the right  back corner. ill be there anyways to show but just as a heads-up.  Thank you again Clover and have a good rest of your day." With on last smile he walked back from where he came. 

Turn back to walk out of school I glanced at my watch to see it was already 4:10. Grabbing my phone from my back pocket I saw multiple missed calls and text from my best friend Jade. 

Jade Washington, one of the only friends I have ever really had. She's absolutely gorgeous with wavy brown hair and blonde highlights she a lot taller than me being 5'7 while fudging tiny being 5'1 and a 1/2. She has glasses and the cutest dimples ever that I have ever seen. 

We met the first day of freshman year when we ran into each other trying to find our classes. I was already anxious from the hectic first day morning and bumping into her just tipped me over the edge. I freaked out assuming she was gonna yell at me and started tearing up. She told me it was okay and we compared schedules and found we had almost the same schedule. We've been inseparable since. 

Jades more social than me but she's also an extrovert who would rather go to parties whereas I would prefer going to a cafe and read a book. She also has boys constantly asking her out but she always turns them down because they are players apparently. The only time she accepts any offers is when she is drunk but that usually backfires when she see them at school and she got to drunk to remember agreeing to anything.

Checking the texts I saw her threading to leave without me. Jade was my ride since she has a car and I do not. Jade's family was rich with her parents owning multiple successful high end restaurants. Making it to the parking lot I notice her car and sighing in relief that she hadn't left cause I really needed to get back. Walking over I get in the passenger seat and sit there quietly waiting for her to say something.

After waiting for what felt like hours I immediately start apologizing. "I'm so so so so sorry Jade I swear I didn't mean to make you wait coach Lowell was talking to me and I was taking awhile an-." 

"SHUT UP" Jade shouted  

I flinched and coward in my seat trying to get as close to the car door as possible. Closing my eyes tightly and trying to block out all the memories from entering my brain while also holding back my tears. 

"Shit Clo i'm sorry I didn't mean that I just wanted you to stop rambling I swear I wasn't intending  for that to happen I was just annoyed that you weren't responding so I was being petty I shouldn't have. Im really sorry Clo." Jades voice had changed drastically from loud to soft and remorseful. Opening my eyes I looked at her through blurry eyes and saw her eyed dripping with guilt. 

Jade knows everything about me and everything about me. She knows she messed up and I know she's gonna beat herself up about it but I know it was an accident . I quickly launched myself at her and hugged her to death. 

"It's okay, you're good, it just scared me a little." I said softly trying to get her to understand it was ok. 

After a minute of hugging we sat back in our seats and Jade quickly starts the car and drove out the parking lot. 

"So what did coach want? Your not exactly the sporty type." Jade ask going back to normal quickly. 

This was the thing about me and Jade that I loved. We might quarrel a bit but it was never for long and we always made up and were back to normal in no time.

"He wanted help setting the food stand for the boxing match this Saturday I said I could help tomorrow after school." 

"I swear you're to nice for your own good." Jade said amusement dripping from her tone.

"Its fine I have nothin else to do and he looked stressed what else was I supposed to do." I didn't understand how people could say no so easily the heartbreaking look on their faces when it came to rejection was enough to make me cry. And it wasn't hard for me to help I had nothing else to do anyways.

I heard a snap near my ear and realized while I had zoned out we arrived. 

"You sure you're gonna be ok?" I could see Jade eyeing outside the car window. I knew she hated this place. I wondered sometimes if she hated it more than me. 

"I'll be fine don't worry. Anyways I have to go see you tomorrow, love you" I leaned over the console and gave her one last hug. she quickly hugged back giving me a tight squeeze. Stepping out of the car I waved good bye and watch Jade drive off. Turn around I looked at the building that made my palms sweat, my breathing shallow and my eyes blurry.

My house.



Thank you so much for reading my first chapter. I hope you liked it and I plan to update soon.

Also I know its short the I have longer chapters planned for the future.

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