Living in the Past

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The horrific crash of the cage doors opening shook Pluto to the core. The sound haunted them as it signaled a new "performance". Hatty's cruel shows only seemed to become more and more gruesome with each successful act, not to mention the timed side shows.

"Come on Pluto! You've got it!" The sound of the man they once knew rang in Pluto's head as they pulled themselves out of the cage. While they knew that their old friend was gone for good, Pluto couldn't help but hope he was in there somewhere. Hatty had been their best friend and the sense of betrayal was just too much to handle.

They were suddenly snapped back to reality as Kitty punched their shoulder. "Move shithead!" She snapped, "Do you want stay here and die or finish the performance?" Her voice was low as she prepared to launch Bandages over the wall. The smaller blue square headed boy skittered over to her, waiting anxiously for the signal. The tall, pink, circle headed girl gave him a nod and he hopped onto her hand. She yanked up, sending him upwards to the top of the wall.

"Sorry-" was all Pluto could mutter as they cast an awkward glance to a heavily muscled, orange cylinder head who was walking to take his spot next to Kitty. He gave a nod, signaling Pluto to use the platform. The purple star headed performer took a running start, jumping onto his partner's hand. Their partner flung up, letting Pluto soar through the air until they tumbled onto the top of the wall. "Here." They grabbed Bandage's hands as the younger boy was struggling to pull himself over the wall.

The two cool colored performers leaned over the wall ledge, leaning a hand down while using the other hand to hold the edge firmly. "All set Toony!" Pluto called down to their partner.

"R-r-ready Kitty-" Bandages half stuttered, not sounding too confident in himself. He let out a startled "eep" as the two warm colored performers jumped up to grab their hands. Toony was the first to successfully grab a hand, letting Pluto help pull him up. The burly guy let out a huff once he reached the top, walking to the checkout post. Raising the flag, Pluto's face was the one on it as they were technically the first to beat the obstacle.

Pluto stood and jogged up to Toony. "Ready partner?" They asked and Toony gave a gruff nod of agreement before turning to check in on the others. Bandages was struggling to pull Kitty up the wall and she didn't seem to happy. Screaming obscenities at the young boy, she practically scrabbled up the wall herself.

"We are a four person team ya know!" Kitty snapped angrily as she stormed past Toony and Pluto, Bandages skittering behind her. Toony gave a chuckle before jogging ahead, Pluto not far behind.

The show itself wasn't anything new, the group killed cat guards, sailed across dangerous waters, and avoided deadly cannons. The only slight change came in the form of some raging beast. It's eyes were bloodshot with tiny black pupils. It's claws raked into the wood as it chased the prisoners to the exit. By the end of the level, the group had passed with flying colors but in Kitty's eyes, "An A isn't an A+."

The team was still mourning the loss of their second oldest member Stitch. The white pyramid headed girl who's sacrificed herself to save Bandages from a raccalope. The beast had torn her to shreds in moments and by the end of the show, the guards were already ushering in a new prisoner to their cell. Their newest member Toony took to his role quickly as well, having only recently replaced their last member.

Pluto was the only one who had been running the courses from the very beginning, watching their group members die and be replaced at a rapid rate. The newest member had been Toony. The strong prisoner proved to be a helpful partner in the shows and a great friend as well. Pluto confided in their cast mate quite often and found that they relied on Toony's listening skills.

The walk from the stage to the cell was silent. Not by choice however, rather the cat guards would ruthlessly claw or bite prisoners if they heard so much as a peep. The chains jingled as the were dragged across the cold concrete floor.

Upon arrival, the cell door was slammed behind the team as they all climbed into their bunks.

"Pluto?" A small, anxious voice called.

"Yeah Bandages?" Pluto yawned, pulling the thin sheet over their body.

"Do you think these shows will ever stop?" The boy's voice cracked as he asked the question.

"I..." Half caught off guard, Pluto stopped snuggling into their pillow. "I don't know..." they admitted finally. "But we should keep fighting like the end is just around the corner. Okay?" Pluto added, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah..." Bandages paused a moment, "good night Pluto."

"Goodnight Bandages." Pluto tried to snuggle up in bed again but Bandages' words stuck in their head.

Sleep evaded them for hours as Pluto's mind began to race. 'Could there be an end? Will these shows continue until we all die?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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