Winter Walks, Mental Health Talks and Thirty Years.

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The cold Wales air whipped at his skin as he strolled on the beach. Walking in silence with their driver, Ant McPartlin breathed in the salty air.

Normally, at this time of year, he would be chilling on a beach with one of his favorite Australian smoothies, watching his goddaughter run around and help her build sandcastles in the Australian summer, whilst simultaneously getting a natural tan. Instead, he was freezing his arse off in Wales, not building sandcastles and getting frostbite instead of a tan.

It was his idea to go for a walk, to clear the mind and get it ready for the day. Dec was suppose to join, but when he had knocked on his bedroom door, Dec had point blank refused to join him, citing that it was too cold and there was no way he was leaving caravan until it was time for them two leave for the Castle.

After leaving their caravan, Joe had been heading out of his a few doors down, so Ant asked their driver if he wanted company on his walk. Hence why he had their driver and their friend accompanying him instead Dec. Anne-Marie and the girls were back in London, due to prior wok commitments and the girls being back at school, and as much as it broke their hearts,  Ali and Isla were back in London too, due to Ali's work commitments with her other clients.

It was weird going out for walk with Joe. Not that he hadn't before, but he normally had Dec with him, as well. ''How are you finding Wales, Joe?'' he asked, falling into step with him.

''It's bloody cold!''

Ant chuckled, pulling shoving his hands in his jacket. ''Tell me about it. I really miss Australia.'' 

When news got out that Australia was off bound for the new series, it had been a race against time and a whole load of faith and hope to be able to put the new series on. He was just glad they were able to put on a show and give the nation a few hours comfort each night.

''How are you finding been here without Anne?''

Ant smiled softly. ''It's hard, think this is the longest we've been away from each other.'' he said, slowing to a stop and sitting on rocks. ''But it's nice to be living with Dec again. He actually cooked a meal last night without burning the caravan down.''

Joe raised an eyebrow. ''Your Declan? Declan Donnelly?''

Ant laughed gently. ''Yep. He's quite a good cook now...'' Ant said, looking out to the sea, breathing in the salty sea air. ''When I came home from treatment after what happened... in '18... It took us a while to get properly talking again, but one night.. He just turned up on my doorstep, with an overnight bag, announcing he was staying the night. Turns up with the ingredients to make a soup.''

Joe chuckled. ''I think you were going to say a full chicken dinner.''

Ant laughed. ''Oh god, Joe... He's not quite there yet!'' he joked, before going back to his story. ''It turned out to be one of the best ones yet. He made a batch for us when we were recording the audiobook.'' 

Joe smiled and glanced at Ant from the corner of his eye. There was a time where he didn't know if he'd still have Ant as a friend. He remembered taking Dec to the studio the first time he presented Takeaway solo. God, that car ride was the worst he'd ever done. The silence, apart from the quiet sobs that Dec had tried so hard to hide. The slight awkwardness because he didn't know what to say or do. He had never been so relived to see Ant again, later that year, when he had picked Dec up for I'm A Celebrity, on the year Ant didn't do it. He had looked so much younger and healthier than he had in years. And today, he looked as though he was aging backwards. He was looking younger with everyday that passed.

'' that though... Definitely going to have to get him to make me a batch of the Butternut Squash one to take home for Christmas. Can be his present for Mam and the girls.'' Joe blinked, before realizing he had tuned out while he was in his thoughts and completely missed what Ant had been saying.

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