Felix just laughed and nodded, waving goodbye to Seungmin.

''Ohhh, who's that? Your boyfriend?'' Juyeon asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

''H-he's not.'' Seungmin said, looking away.

''Aww, our Seungminnie's growing up already. You're just a baby when you entered here.'' He said.

''I'm only a sophomore hyung, I just started attending the university last year.'' Seungmin said.

''But still, you were timid, and so small back then, I remembered the first time we all met while preparing for a competition, you're just in the corner studying or writing something, wearing your black rimmed glasses.'' He said with a laugh.

''Ughh, why do you have to bring that up?'' Seungmin whined.

''Just let me, I'm going to graduate soon I'll be leaving all of my dongsaengs here.'' He said and acted like he's crying. ''Oh we're here already, I'll see you around.'' He then said and smiled, waving goodbye to the younger.

Seungmin then waved back and soon entered the office only to see his cousin.

''Hello dear Seungminnie.'' He said with a smile.

''What do you want? Where's auntie?'' He asked. ''Ohh is this Yang?'' He asked again when he saw a grey cat playing with the carpet.

''Who the fuck is Yang?'' Minho asked glaring at Seungmin.

''I don't know. You like Jeongin so that could be possible.'' Seungmin said and shrugged.

''I'm not an idiot, I won't name any of my cat Yang. Do you want  me to be reminded of Jeongin whenever I see my cat and vice versa?'' Minho asked, shaking his head.

''Sooo, where's your mom?'' Seungmin asked. ''Juyeon-hyung said that she's looking for me.''

''She's running some errands.'' Minho said as he played with Soonie. ''Actually, I called you in.'' Minho said making Seungmin groan.

''I'll go now, cause I actually have classes unlike you.'' Seungmin said while the older just laughed. ''Why are you here? Don't you have classes in your school?'' he asked again.

''I'm going to transfer here.''

''What?!'' Seungmin exclaimed while the older just stuck his tongue out at him.

''The school didn't allow me to transfer before the competition so I wasn't able to. I also took the finals in advance so the transferring process will go smoothly although I doubt that they won't let me take the test here again but it's fine, easy peasy. And since I don't have anything to do at home I'm here with my cats'' He explained, giving Seungmin an okay sign.

''You're transferring here? Why? You're going to graduate anyway, why not just finish your school year there?'' Seungmin asked, sitting on the chair nearby causing another ginger cat to go away from him.

''Cause I just want to, mom didn't oppose the idea so it's fine.'' Minho explained

''Are you sure you're not doing this because of Jeongin?'' Seungmin asked him with narrowed eyes.

''What? N-no of course not.'' Minho said and laughed.

''Sure, if you say so.'' Seungmin said.

''Now that you mentioned, how's Jeongin?'' Minho asked making Seungmin groan.

''Just ask him yourself.'' Seungmin replied. ''I'm going now, I have classes.'' Seungmin said.

''Wait, there's a reason I called you here.'' Minho said.

Do I know you? \\ SeunglixWhere stories live. Discover now