Clearing the air part 3/3

Start from the beginning

"Do you trust me?" he gave her a strange look.

"Normally I would say yes, but if you have to ask then I just think-" she scaled the side of the building up to her trap door, motioning for him to follow. "You want me to climb the building?" she knit her eyebrows.

"Just use your baton to- oh. You don't know how to- ok. Just jump. I'm pretty sure the miraculous suit will comply." he crossed his arms.

"Why can't you just open the front door?" Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.

"My parents don't know I'm here and we have an alarm system and I don't want to dissable it because it'll alert them." she continued to ramble on, until Damian just scaled the building in about half the time it took her to climb the wall. She huffed. "Show off." Damian smirked with a shrug.

"Gotta keep you interested somehow, don't I?" She shook her head and opened the trap door leading to her room. Under the mask, Damian's face went scarlet. "Is that your bedroom?" she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Damian, you are a seventeen year old boy. It's just my room." he chuckled and stepped forward.

"It's not that, it's just so..... pink." she narrowed her eyes.

"And?" he chuckled once more.

"It's just cute. That's all." She motioned to the door.

"Thanks for the compliment. Now, you wanna get in?" he rolled his eyes.

"So pushy, I swear. If Grayson or Drake were here they'd make a joke about how you need to be more 'Whelmed'." He hopped down the trap door, and landed on her soft bed. She hopped in, closing the door behind her. Damian reached up to run a hand through his hair, noticing the cat ears get in the way. "How do I get rid of the ridiculous cat suit?" She raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"How come? You look like an adorable angered kitten." She giggled and scratched behind his ears,  the boy let out an involuntary purr. He scowled and pushed her hand off.

"Marinette, please." he pleaded. "How do I get rid of it." Tikki giggled and flew out of her purse.

"Just say 'Claws in' Damian." Marinette pouted at the kwami.

"Hey! I only wanted to torture him for a little bit longer!" she whined.

"Claws in." Damian muttered and sighed in relief when the suit finally dissapeared. Plagg flew out of his ring and landed on his lap.

"Kid....... I need cheese..." the tiny cat moaned. Marinette giggled.

"Plagg, go with Tikki to the kitchen. Tikki, do you mind watching to make sure Plagg doesn't clear out the kitchen?" the two kwami's smiled and both flew downstairs.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" Damian motioned to the bed. Marinette's face burnt scarlet.

"Yes, I do mind! I mean- No I don't! I umm go ahead." she muttered. Damian chuckled and pulled off his Robin mask, and suit, tossing them on the floor, leaving him in workout shorts and a t-shirt. He grabbed her and pulled her down next to him. She squeaked in surprise when he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, chin on her head. An annoying ringtone cut the two of them off. Damian groaned and pulled it out of his pocket.

"Yes father?" he annoyedly asked,

"Damian, are you and Marinette alright?"

"Yes father. We are at her house at the moment." Marinette looked up at him worriedly.

"Do my parents know we are here Damian?" she whispered.

"Father, do Marinette's parents know she is in Paris?" he heard Bruce grumble over the phone.

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