T: The Werewolf

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Overall personality:
Naoki is all over the place. He's not easy to keep up with. Although he comes off as the kind of guy who wouldn't join with anyone, he is part of a clan, and at the center of
any clan is loyalty. Loyalty is one of his top principals, if you betray him or the clan than he will turn you into a pelt, literally. Naoki isn't the type to make logical, carefully thought out decisions, every decision he makes is spur of the moment. This could be applied to just about anything he does, nothing is really thought through. To enemies and even some strangers, Naoki is the demon that haunts their nightmares, but to those he is close to, he is a protector.

His personality makes him hard to get along with but gain his friendship and you'll have it for life (unless you do something to jeopardize it). When it comes to relationships, his mate is of utmost importance, they are his top priority. He's loving and quite touchy, wanting his partner nearby when possible. His passion is so heavy that it's almost intoxicating, but his jealousy is akin to hell itself. Prayers should be said for anyone who tries to make a move on his mate.

+fairly extroverted but he doesn't have very good social skills. He's argumentative
+kind on occasion

Fatal flaws:
+his jealousy, this doesn't just relate to relationships, it relates to just about anything. He's incredibly jealous of his younger brother who gained leadership of the clan over him
+he doesn't think very logically, he tends to fly into things head first without coming up with a plan


+fighting/ sparing
+taking long trips
+his clan
+he enjoys collecting trophies from previous battles that he has won
+the forest

+people trying to take what is his
+his younger brother
+being outdone
+wearing clothes. He at least wears pants but he prefers to remain as unclothed as possible

+knows a little bit about sword making

Turn ons:
+his partner taking action
+black lace
+dirty talk

Turn offs:
+being tied up
+anything weird or gross
+his partner being too shy, he doesn't usually go for virgins


Any addictions?:
Can fighting be considered an addiction?

Usually only after he's had a victory in a big fight



Favorite pastime/ hobby:
Practicing his blacksmith skills.


Family members:
Mother: Maria Campos

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